What have you done

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Steven was awoken by a hand slowly shaking him, seemingly trying to wake him up.                          He opened his eyes, still feeling quite tired. Sitting up, he said good morning to Spinel, whom seemed more over joyed to see him than usual. Giving a quick pigtail check, Steven knew something was up, she had this big,bright, wide smile plastered on her face yet, her pigtails were down and her eyes didn't match her smile.

"Oh Steven, i'm so glad you are awake! i reeeeaaaallly missed you !" she said, her voice getting tighter towards the end.

"oh uh... i missed you too Spinel! but uh, is everything alright?" Steven was fully awake by now and desperately wanted to know what the bloody hell was going on, especially this early in the morning.

"Oh Steven, what a funny joke haha!!" Spinel said, looking away from Steven. He knew now that something was 100% up.

"Spinel, i know somethings wrong. You can tell me what it is, if you want" Steven said in a calming and caring way. Oh that calming way he spoke, it always made Spinel feel so... so..so, reassured, even when she wasn't the one who needed it.

Spinel took a sigh and in her own little way, basically said that she and the diamonds fucked up badly, or, somewhat badly. She was very  regretful of her actions that took place last night and it showed, it showed quite well. She was prepared for the yelling, not just from Steven but also the diamonds, because she caved in so quickly, but keeping such a secret from a boy who had already had a lot on his plate, and only wanted a rest felt so wrong to her.

Steven looked at Spinel confused. "what happened? what went wrong while i was asleep? is everything okay, Spinel?" the boy asked so kindly, so caringly, even if he didn't relies he was doing it. Spinel took a heavy sigh, and started to explain. 

-Cut to what happened last night-

As the diamonds ship landed safely onto the sandy beach in front of the temple. Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth ran out as fast as they could. Garnet was the first to speak.

"Whats going on?" she shouted, their was so many possibilities for the future right this moment, she couldn't constraint properly.

"we noticed that, when Steven arrived there was something on his mind, that something was wrong" Blue said in an annoyed and upset manner. 

"So, we came to confront the traitor who dared hurt our poor Steven!" said white, over exaggerating every single word she spoke. 

"Yes. So i recommend you tell us who hurt Steven before things get physical" yellow chimed in.

As soon as Garnet was about to answer, a human child riding a pink lion came running in, holding a sword in her hand. As she jumped off next to the group, she asked what was going on, as she was almost as confused as Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot were, as they had only just heard what had happened and were still in the process of coming to terms with everything.  

Garnet had a look at everyone before turning around, she then decided that she was going to be the one to take the blame, that was until Pearl spoke up. "i did it... i was the one who pushed Steven around and hurt him.... i was to blind in the future achievements that he was going to make that i......i didn't know how much i was hurting him...." Pearl spoke, she had full regret in her voice as her tears fell down her face, like a waterfall. She seemed to be truly sorry.

"But what were you even trying to make him do!?" Spinel spoke, ignoring the full regret in Pearls words, she was angry that someone hurt Steven, he was so precious, he would she. Spinel just wanted to shatter the gem, Spinel was to engulfed in her rage. 

"i....i wanted him to make everything better than it ever could be, i didn't know it was to mu-" "ENOUGH! we have heard enough of your silly little excuses!" White said, interrupting Pearl.

"Yes, quite enough" Blue commented. the aggression in their voices sent shivers down the Crystal gem's spines. Steven had left his fear of the diamonds long ago, but the rest of the gems didn't, for some, their fear was also joined with rage.  Things were getting bad as it was, and Connie didn't help, "Listen here you waste of space. You bring back Steven right now! He needs us, i KNOW he does, but most importantly, he NEEDS ME ! so you best bring him back!!" those words brought disgust on the diamonds and Spinels faces, no wonder Steven wanted to leave when he had that human around. But her words didn't just affect the diamonds, it also strongly affected Amethyst.

"what do you mean he needs you?" Amethyst said, annoyance on her face and in her voice.

"Well, i am his girlfriend after all, we do everything together. I make him stronger" Connie spoke, looking at Amethyst as if she was a stupid child. But before Amethyst could say another word, i mighty fist sent Connie flying as a magenta/pink gem stood in-front of her. 

"HE DOESN'T NEED YOU!!" Spinel spoke, she feared that maybe the humans words were right, that maybe Steven did need the human and would leave her for it. no, no she wouldn't allow it, she finally had him, she would not loose him. 

"YES HE DOSE, YOU'RE JUST A STUPID LITTLE GEM WHO DOESN'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE UP AGAINST. NOT ONLY MUST YOU FACE THE CRYSTAL GEMS, BUT YOU ALSO HAVE TO FACE ME!!!" The human cried. It sounded like she was about to say something else, but a bright white light shot at her, the light only left some scars and left her unconscious, well, at least Spinel didn't need to hear her noises anymore.

"Spinel, get over on my shoulder right now!" Spinel obliged to Yellows commands and White soon spoke up, "If i see anyone of you again, i will make it my personal duty to shatter you myself!" White said, holding up her hand and then turning it into a fist aggressively. 

They wanted to do more, they wanted to somewhat destroy the planet, but they all knew that was pushing it to far, so they just turned around and left and hoped that would be the end of it.

-Cut back to now-

"So, uh... yeah, that's kinda what happened. it went by quite quickly to be honest" Spinel said, trying her best not to look at Steven as she fiddled around with her hair. Inside, she was praying that Steven wouldn't be so mad at her and the diamonds. She desperately didn't want him to leave.

"Oh..." she waited for him to say more, she wanted him to say more instead of just a simple, quiet oh. 

Steven got up, he told Spinel that he just needed some air, as he walked to the balcony and Spinel followed him carefully. He thought for a moment, and then......tears? Spinel had never seen him cry so hard in her time she had ever seen him, she didn't know what to do.

Steven slowly slipped down onto the floor, covering his face with his hands. The only thing Spinel knew to do was to hug him, so that's what she did. Steven hugged her back, she didn't suspect it, but she didn't oblige, so she let Steven cry on her shoulder as she rubbed his back.

Even though he was crying, Spinel wanted this moment to go on forever........... 


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