tHe fUnERAL + hOT cOusiNs

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Hey so its Monday aka the day of my grandpas funeral. (This is probably bad bc I'm not funny anymore 😔😔) So I was getting ready and as always weird noises were coming from my parents room. They told me they were just recording some videos for this website called corn hub or something. Ig it's for people who are trying to buy corn. But back to me, obviously I had my vsco girl outfit  already but I realized I didn't have a good hair style. I decided to go for a hairstyle like le monke since he is my king but I'm to ugly to look as hot as him 😔✋✊👊. So I was finally dressed and after 69 mins of working on my le monke hair style I looked perfect. As always i had to make sure to take a selfie for my vsco. Me: 🤳🤳🤳🤳. After that I decided to make a tiktok *woah* (AN: eww what am I doing with my life I should be doing hw) Now my parents came (😏)..... out of their room and told me it was time to go. So we left but my parents told my step brother and sister not to kiss at the funeral bc our family from Cali might think it's weird. Why would they think it's weird I wonder 🤔🤔🤔. Then we got to the funeral. I seen my grandma crying but I decided to watch tiktoks instead of saying hi to anyone. Then I saw him..... BuM bUM bUm

Authors Note: sorry for not updating for a long time tbh this was supposed to be a one time thing but I keep updating it for who knows why lol xD (ew) anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter? I'm not gonna update for a while probably sorry 😂😂. Me:🤡🤡🤡
        Word count: 300

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