Chapter 10

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Its been a week now and I haven't seen nor heard from Luna. Tanai has been mad at me ever since. And so has Rameeks lame ass. I've been eating out ever since. I would have gotten a cook, but I just wanted to be alone in my house for sometime. I needed to put myself together. I've been eating out or ordering food. But man, I can't lie. I do miss Luna's home cooking.

Waking up this morning, I find myself hungry as hell. I take a quick shower and get dressed. I'm going to my nana's place to eat. I get into my range sport and drive off. I hear my phone ring and I see its Rameek.
"Yo" I answer
"Yo your ass nigga. You wanna grab some coffee with me". This nigga is crazy.
"Aiit sure man. Lemme stop by nana's real quick."
"Nah, come pick me up and let's go to nana's together. " I scoff at him. I'm not about to start going all the way to his crib.
"Nigga just come meet me at nana's "
"Whatever, mean ass."
"You better say hello to grandma for me Jah! " Tania's crazy ass shouted into Rameeks phone.
"Shut up girl, damn" I mumbled at her loudness.
"Baby go get in the shower, ima join you in a bit" I hear Rameek say over the phone.
"The fuck! You guys are fools for real" in disgust, I hung up. But they love each other. That's why I feel confident in their relationship. Thinking about them suddenly causes me to think of Luna. Her smile. Her attitude. Her beautiful face and all that sexy ass body. I take in a deep breath as I push those thoughts away.
Arriving nana's house, I park and and headed to the front door.
"Nana!" I didn't get any response. But I sure was hearing some noise from the kitchen. Not to talk about the aroma of beacon. Damn, I'm real hungry.
"Nana I know you heard me"

 "Nana I know you heard me"

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"I did hear you Wade. " I rolled my eyes when she called me my middle name.
"Why are you here boy? I'm having breakfast with some of the ladies from church. I hope you're not here to eat some of my food." Is this old woman kidding me right now.
"Come on nana, you ain't even happy that I came over to say hello"
"Oh you did not Wady. You came here because you made your amazing cook quit and now, you wanna feed off me. Grow up child."
How the hell did this woman know.
"Tania told me everything baby boy" Nana said, breaking the silence since I was still tryna figure out bow she found out. I'm gonna strangle Tania.
"You know Tania exaggerates a lot nana. Most of what she said must be lies" Nana laughed deeply as she continued to set her table.
"Don't worry. I only got to know all I needed to know child" Nana said as she gave me a plate and I immediately dug in. Keeping my eyes on her she just kept on smiling and starring at me, until she kept a straight, stern face all of a sudden. Now I'm scared.
"Now listen to me baby boy. You better quit crawling and putting your damn feet in your mouth like a baby and man up. You've got a dick right? " my eyes nearly popped out.
"Nana! What the-"
"Shut up Wade. You have one. It most likely real big. Now your brains better not be down there in your dick. Keep it in your head child. And be a man. You deserve all the best things life has to offer. Don't let nothing and no one rob you of that"
I let my grandma's words sink as I ate in silence. She was right, as hard as it is for me to admit it, she was right.
I headed for the sink to wash my plate after I was done eating.
"Alright nana. I'm gonna head out now."
"Nana!" Rameek's lame as just walked in.
"Is that my baby boy Rameek? " Nana said as she hugged him.
"Sup douche bag " Rameek said bumping my shoulder.
"You're late."
"My woman delayed me" he replied winking at me. How disgusting.
Nana handed him a plate and he dug in like a starving puppy.
"You boys better leave. I have the women coming in. We're about to have a fun day together. " seeing my grandma happy, made me happy. She's been through a lot. And now she's living her best life. That's all I want for her.
"Alright nana. We gon head out now" Rameek said as he washed his plate. You know better than to leave your plate without getting it washed in nana's house. She'd whoop your ass.
"Take care boys. And Wade remember what I said" she gave me a knowing look.
"Sure grandma." I said as I pulled her into a hug and she kissed my cheek multiple times. She did same for Rameek and we headed out.

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