Chapter 4: Trip to Richmond

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I woke up to the smell of bacon. Why do I smell bacon? Sitting up and stretching my arms I looked towards the kitchen area. Elijah was turned towards the stove. He was already dressed in a dark purple dress shirt and black dress pants. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to his elbow. I yawned and rubbed the last bits of sleep from my eyes. I noticed that the TV was on but the sound was off. I got up and went to the bathroom. Elijah seemed to be focused on making breakfast so I didn't want to bother him. After peeing and washing my face I walked back into the main room. Elijah was facing me now.

"Good morning," I said walking towards the kitchen area.

"Good morning, breakfast?" Elijah was holding out a plate to me. It had some scrambled eggs and bacon. I was surprised that Elijah cooked breakfast.

"Isn't their free breakfast downstairs?" I asked while taking the plate from him.

Elijah just smiled as he was filling another plate for himself.

"Yes, but I like to make my own food. Also, I do not think that people will enjoy watching me drink blood. Now, tea or coffee?"

Elijah put down his plate on the table and turned back around to the kitchen area.

I was dumbfounded.

"Uhhh tea."

Elijah grabbed two mugs and filled both of them with hot water. He then grabbed two tea bags and placed them into the mugs. I was just watching him while he did everything. Man, one would never guess that he was a thousand-year-old vampire. He placed the hot mug in front of me before taking his seat. He also had a glass filled with blood in front of him while I had a glass of water.

"Thank you, for making me breakfast."

"I was making food for myself, why shouldn't I also make food for you."

We both ate in silence with the TV playing in the background. Elijah finished first and took his plate and glass to the sink and started washing them.

"When you are done eating we are going to leave. I got you another change of clothes they are in the bedroom."

"Did you compel the front desk again?" I was smiling while looking towards Elijah.

Elijah didn't turn around but I could tell he was smiling.


I giggled a bit before finishing my breakfast. I brought the plate and glasses over. Elijah nodded in thanks before continuing to wash the dishes. I go to the bedroom and see another paper bag sitting on top of the bed. I look inside it to find another T-shirt this time it was dark blue and a pair of beige cargo shorts. I quickly changed and noticed that the shirt and shorts fit me better. I guess he noticed that the last shirt and shorts were a bit too big. Putting the other clothes into the paper bag I walk back into the main room. Elijah already finished washing all the dishes and was packing away the last of his stuff. I noticed that the sofa bed was already put away and the sheets were folded and resting on top of the sofa. Wow, he works fast, then again he is a vampire.

"Ready to go?" Elijah asked zipping up the suitcase.

"Yeah, just about," I said while walking to the paper bag that had my dress and flats in it. I took out the flats and put them on. Grabbing the bag I walked over to Elijah who was holding the door for me. I did one last quick check before leaving the room. Elijah closed the door and picked up the cooler before following me to the elevators.

We checked out of the hotel and I was sitting in the front seat while Elijah put the suitcase and cooler into the trunk.

"I have a few errands to do before I take you back home. It shouldn't take too long." Elijah said while getting into the driver's seat and turning the car on.

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