Chapter 3: Almost home

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Elena was standing in the living room with Jeremy, Bonnie, Stefan, and Damon.

"You left her?!" Jeremy yelled.

"We didn't want to Jer. But we have no idea where she is. Elijah took her and put her somewhere we couldn't find." Elena said trying to calm down her little brother.

"And you killed the only guy who knows where Alice could be?" Jeremy turned his rage to Damon.

"He was going to kill Stefan. Excuse me for saving my baby brother." Damon snapped back.

"Look I can do another locator spell for Alice. We can get an idea of where she is. She could still be near that house. Get me a map." Bonnie said fed up with all the yelling and arguing.

Jeremy scoffed before leaving the room shaking his head. He couldn't believe that Elena would leave their sister there. If it was him, he wouldn't care if it was dark he would not leave until he either found Alice or knew that without a doubt that she wasn't near.

Elena watched her brother leave the room feeling even more guilty about leaving Alice alone who knows where. Stefan puts a reassuring hand on Elena.

"We will find Alice. Don't worry Elena," Stefan said.

Elena only nodded. Damon came back with a map. He placed it onto the table in the living room.

"I'll need your blood Elena since your twins, it will make the connection even stronger than when I did this the first time with Jeremy."

Elena nodded her head and took a knife and cut her palm. A couple of drops of blood landed on the map in the area where the old house was. Stefan bit his wrist and offered it to Elena to heal the cut. Elena drank Stefan's blood while Bonnie chanted the locator spell.

The drops of blood formed a big blob and started to move. Everyone waited for the blood to stop moving but it never did. In fact, the blob was moving closer and closer to Mystic Falls. Everyone was confused.

"Why isn't the blood stopping like before?" Stefan asked watching the blood continue to move along the map. Bonnie thought for a second before realizing what must be happening.

"It's because she is moving. She must be in a car or something."

Elena was shocked. Does that mean Alice found a way to get home?

"You mean she is on her way home?" Elena asked.

"I have no idea where she is heading but it looks like she is going in the direction to here."

"She might still be with one of Elijah's men. They could be taking her somewhere. We will just have to wait until they stop moving. Once they stop we'll go and save her Elena," Damon said.

Elena knew that Damon could be right. We don't know if Alice was on her way home or if one of Elijah's men was just taking her somewhere in the same direction as Mystic Falls. But that didn't stop Elena from hoping that Alice was able to get away and she was finding her way back home.

Damon, Stefan, and Bonnie left to go home. Elena meanwhile went to her room. There was nothing anyone could do tonight. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.


Elijah had finished the blood bag a while ago and place the empty bag in between himself and Alice. He couldn't help but glance at Alice every now and then while he drove. She fell asleep again, she must be tired, and he doesn't blame her. She hasn't had a decent night's sleep in the past 24 hours. He had already contacted the Martins they would arrive at Mystic Falls tomorrow. He would wake Alice up once they were a bit closer to Mystic Falls, for now, he would let her sleep.

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