Chpt. 14

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"So we're all just going to get picked off one by one by some unknown being?" Mark snapped, scared and angry, he was sitting on his own after Mat told him to let Sean sleep.

Nate and Mat both flinched, Nate looking away and Mat looking down.

"Who killed them isn't unknown" Nate muttered and Mat looked at him

"Nate-" he whispered

"You know what? Yeah, you said you knew who killed Matthias. Why don't you share your knowledge with us" Felix spat, Mat looked around

"Guys let's calm down- please" Mat tried, wrapping his arms over his stomach instinctively "Shit" he muttered, grabbing Nate's wrist.

Nate looked at him confused then looked down at the bloody bandages "Cry we need new bandages" Mat muttered

Cry nodded and got up, Felix kinda whined quietly as Cry left

"Nate-" Mark began loudly

"The egos" Nate said quickly, his voice unintentionally harsh, he did not like getting yelled at "Natemare killed Matthias and Anti killed Ethan" he explained, shaking more by the second and losing control of his breathing again "God damnit" he leaned over and ran his hands through his hair.

The room was silent, Mat tried to comfort Nate, calm him down but when you're just as anxious it's difficult to reassure someone.

They stayed in silence, the sound of Nate and Mat's fucked up breathing one of the few sounds.


The silence wasn't broken soon, but Sean woke up after a while, having had a nightmare and instead of everybody staying in shock and freaking him out Mark got up and went to calm him down.

Mat cleared his throat and did his best to push down his anxiety to make sure Nate was alright.

Cry looked up at Felix who gave a small reassuring smile down at him.

Sean suddenly got up "I need a drink, do you guys want a drink? Let's go to a bar- I want to go get drunk-" he rambled, already going to get ready to leave

Surprisingly, just about everybody agreed except Matt, who agreed to be their driver

Mark brought his pills along with them and they all headed out to get drunk


They were all sitting at the bar, Matt supervising while on his phone while everybody acted like bumbling idiots

Matt looked up just in time to see Mark making out with Sean and Felix flirting with Cry, who was blushing

Matt cleared just throat "Alright guys! Let's head home- I think you've had enough for tonight-"

"Aweeee but Matttt-!" Sean whined, pulling away from Mark before turning to the bartender "Sssir- thhhhaaank- youuuu!" He grinned and Matt sighed, beginning to  push everybody out the door

On their way out Mark suddenly collapsed, Sean cried out and tripped because he was leaning on Mark before he collapsed

Matt was quiet for a moment before sighing "I didn't think he was that drunk.." he muttered

Sean seemed to think of something and looked through Mark's pockets- finding his meds.. not one missing

Sean started tearing up "He didn't-" he hiccuped and looked up at Matt "He didn't take his- his meds! He- we gotta get him to- to a hospital" he slurred hiccuping, Felix and Cry were in the back of the car passed out and Nate was sitting by them on his phone

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