As he walked up the stairs, Jack heard more feet walking upon the stairs, to where he was. Jack was then greeted by two more elves, and a Grinch. A grinch is a very special abomination. They're grown for light security purposes. They are made from elves, with some subtle traces of Yeti DNA inside of them. The worst part about that is, the vats they use to grow grinches, have no elf growing defects. They possess dark brown hair, and have red eyes. They are vicious, surprisingly strong for their build, frightfully dexterous, and even possess the ability to climb on walls.

The two elves ran down the steps with little hammers in hand, while the Grinch scurried across the wall. Once the elves drew close, Jack grabbed one by the hammer it was holding, and used it to smack the other one into the wall, finishing it by stomping its face into the wall. That left a gory mess. The Grinch tackled down Jack, causing him to drop from the stairs. Luckily, Jack grabbed onto one of the steps, still holding onto the elf with the other hand. The Grinch was still holding onto Jack's ankle, until he was able to smack it against the wall with his leg. The Grinch let go, falling off. Jack backflipped upward, back onto the staircase. But he stood there still, elf in hand. He waited where he stood, knowing that the Grinch would come back. In moments, the Grinch would come skittering up the wall back to Jack. Jack would smack it against the wall it was crawling on with the elf, making it fall back onto the stairs. The Grinch would land on all fours, and leap up to try and claw Jack's face. But, Jack was able to grab it by the wrist, breaking it in the process, before kicking the Grinch down the stairs, popping it's arm clean out of its arm socket. At which point, Jack would look at the elf he's been using as a weapon, which lead to the elf making some gurgling growling noise. It was highly likely it wasn't saying anything, but one could somehow make out the words, 'Have Mercy.' Jack would proceed to throw it right off the side of the staircase. Jack would then look at the Grinch arm he was holding, and store it in his black cloak.

Jack, in time, made it to where the staircase lead. It was a platform with a locked mechanical door. However, there seemed to be a hand scan. From above the door, two more Grinches crawled down. Jack would charge an Ice Blast, and launch it into the area between the two Grinches. They get covered in frost from the shockwave, and fall onto the platform with Jack. The Grinches stand up, prompting Jack to start pounding one of them with his fists. From behind, Jack can sense an upcoming attack. He uses his elbow to smash the other Grinch from behind himself. Then, he grabs the first grinch he was attacking, and throws it at the other one. They get thrown back, but quickly scurry back to all fours. The Grinches run toward Jack, who just waits for their assault. They both jump at Jack, who catches one in mid air, and smashes it against the wall. From there, Jack proceeds to hold the Grinch against the wall, freezing it in Ice against the same wall. By the time it is under an inch thick of Ice, the other Grinch has drawn very close. Jack then Grabbed that second Grinch, and smashed it against the frozen Grinch on the wall. They both exploded. At which point, Jack would walk over to the hand scanner, and use the disembodied Grinch arm from earlier. The mechanical door opened, allowing Jack to unsheath his cloak, letting it blow away in the wind, and walking in.

Inside the factory was a dull, brown atmosphere, with one of the only sources of light being a river of lava flowing about fifty feet below Jack. Not so high above was a rail, with plates of Ginger-steel being transported along it. Jack could also see a conveyor belt, with elves walking along it, carrying different things. Jack would then proceed down the path he was provided with, being a walkway through the factory. As he walked, he could see six elves on a platform, which is just barely able to hover in place via thrusters, and mechanical arms dropping off sheets of Metal. Each of the elves was equipped with a drill, and uses their drills to cut the metal into shapes. Occasionally, small pieces of metal would fly into their heads, but the elves just wouldn't care. In time, one of the elves would spot Jack, and cry out in warning. The other five would respond by turning around, and raising their drills in a rush of murder. One of the elves destroys one of the thrusters on the platform, allowing it to move slightly closer to Jack. At which point, All of the elves jump onto the walkway with jack. The first one, already close by, tries to drill into Jack's armor, only to have the drill bit grabbed by Jack's hand. The elf starts spinning rapidly. Jack lifts it up, and then lets go, causing it to fly away, and then drop into the lava river. Another Elf tried to run at Jack, but he unleashed a Snow Wave. Jack Projected a forward shockwave of Icy Magic, causing the elves to be blown away, and become deeply frozen. Two of them were blasted off the edge, leaving only three frozen elves. Jack simply kicked the head off of one of them. He picked up another one, and used it to destroy the last frozen elf, as well as itself. And that's when Jack left to keep going.

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