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[Translation: Believe me!]

Your [Lara's] POV

I closed the front door of my house as I got out, ready to go to school. I'd told my friends Camelia and Alina about my... Strange, obsession, but today I'd tell them the amazing news:

I was going to see O-Zone live!

I hummed the lyrics of Numai Tu cheerfully as I walked over the sidewalk. My school was about a 20 minute walk away, which I always enjoyed as I was able to listen to music as I walked, and sometimes look around and think. Today, I decided to go with the last option. What was I going to wear to the show? Well, my DiscO-Zone shirt, obviously, but what else..? Ripped jeans? Sneakers? I'd stayed up nearly all night to think about all my options, and even then I didn't know yet.

It was like my whole life lead up to this moment; this concert.
I could only imagine what it would be like to see my idols Radu Sîrbu, Dan Balan and Arsenie Todiraș in person.. Instead of thinking about what I would be wearing, what would they be wearing? The outfits like in Dragostea Din Tei or more like Numai Tu?

My mind wandered faster than I did, but I did eventually ask myself, 'How will I get there?' When I heard Alina from the distance, calling out my name.

'LaaraaAAAAAAA!!'  She sprinted towards me, even faster than light.

I also started up a small sprint, and yelled back, 'Alina! care-i treaba?' [Alina! What's up?]

She waved a piece of paper above her head, and my eyes widened as I jumped in excitement. She also got a ticket! She quickly motioned back to the schoolyard, and Camelia came running, frantically waving her arms.

Third time's the charm!

Stepping Into the O-ZONE [Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now