The big day...

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-------------------------------------------A/N---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------O.K. 2 things.

1) Please vote, please please please please please vote.

and 2) Please leave comments on what you think. I have written a llittle before, but this is the first time I've published anything. sO I want to know what you think, what I could improve, etc. etc.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I gasped as I saw the image of my horror. The room was filled with it. Water. and it was rising. up and up it went. it covered my waist, then chest and finally the top of my head. I couldn't hold my breath forever. I just couldn't...

I woke up in a cold sweat, quickly recalling the events that had left me stuck in this run down shack, with 2 mysterious strangers and one word echoing through y head. Sacrifice...

Derek kicked me, and its meaning was clear. Don't make me hurt you. laying back on the ground I couldn't stop my thoughts drifting back to the way he had protected me yesterday. It was like he knew something I didn't about me.

Well, the other man obviously did. I hadn't seen him since. I lay on the ground for a little while longer. They had bound my wrist and ankles with thick rope, so a get away would be futile. 

Then I heard the heavy steps trumping down the hall way and I knew, whatever it was, it was too late. The man was coming back, and I was going to be sacrificed. Where, how or why I knew not, but I really wish I did. 

The mystery man walked in the room. I whimpered as he threw me over his shoulder. I was desperate now. I was kicking, screaming, struggling, but this mans grip was ironlike. As he took me out of the door I knew i wasn't going to get away. The man threw me in the boot and began to drive. He drove for ages. I heard the light thrumming of rain on  the boot and a distant echo of thunder.

MY eyes began to droop. I couldn't stop sleeping. I pinched myself to keep me awake. Then the car stopped. The boot opened and I blinked away the sudden light. It wasn't the mystery man. It was Derek.

'Please.' I begged.

Derek ignored me, but I could see the pain in his face. As he dragged me across the ground I saw tear ttracks streaking his face. I looked around at my surroundings. We were in a cemetry. I could see the section Derek was dragging me to. It was the oldest section, with crumbling headstones and weeds growing out of the graves.

Derek dragged me towards a headstone, with a small stone angel on top. Throwing me roughly onto the grave he began to unbind my wrists and ankles, only to re-tie them onto thick bolts in the ground. I gave up struggling. It was far too late for me. When Derek finished tieing my wrists and ankles he placed a hand on my forehead and began chanting strange words.

The rain began to pour dpwn, as if Derek had asked it to. Through the clouds I could see a large full moon. The sounds of thunder reached my ears.

From his pocket Derek drew a small dagger that glinted in the moonlight. He poised the dagger over my heart, as he began to chant louder and faster. His eyes snapped open, a wild look of fury in them. I saw the mystery man come up over the hill. Then derek thrust the dagger down and I waited, waited for the pain to come, but the only thing I could feel was the revertarbrating screams that were coming from Dereks mouth. I was frozen. What the hell just happened.

Then the mystery man came up, pulled the dagger out of Derek's limp body and went to finish what Derek had started...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2010 ⏰

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