Chapter 13 Mecha-Candran

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Floop POV

"Ugh, why do I always have to go through the vents?"

"Floop, this vent is big enough that we are all inside it right now." Magolor said.



So we are all inside the vent.

Little backfire in my plan there, but okay.

Wow, this vent was not made for multiple people...

Kirby and Floop just fell through a loose vent! And now they're being captured!

Just great.

I went forward through the vent until I came to a black room that was circular, and dimly lit by a neon blue light.

Good thing that this vent is stable.


The vent broke off and I fell.

In the center of the room was what looked like a Halcandran, but it was completely made out of medal.

I went to inspect the metal creation, when I heard hovering. (Yes, it is possible to hear hovering. It sounds like a weird humming noise)

I quickly hid behind the robot, when it locked around me, and I was now inside the robot.

A display appeared around my vision, and it was like I became the robot.

A skinny Halcandran and a puny Halcandran walked in.

The puny one looked worried as he said: "I'm sorry, Hiraread, (Hi-ra-ree-ad) but it just won't... never mind, it seems to be working now!"

"Finally! Noisserped, (Noi-sir-ped) I was beginning to lose faith in you!" Said, apparently, Hiraread.

"Well, I'll show you some of its abilities!"

Oh no, this is the perfect disguise and I'm about to lose it!

"What, can it roll over or something?" Laughed Hiraread.

I rolled over, which wasn't that difficult considering the robot could hover.

"Well, I didn't teach it to do that, but maybe it knows to listen to you!" Noisserped obviously tried to hide the fact that he had no idea what was going on.

"Noisserped, make it able to go to war!" Hiraread demanded.

"Yes, Hiraread." Noisserped, said his voice filled with worry.

After Hiraread left, Noisserped got to work adding a bunch of things to the robot, thankfully, he didn't discover me.

"Okay! Mecha-Candran, go guard our new prisoners!"

And so I went.

Floop POV

"Kirby, Magolor is coming to get us, so there's no reason to worry!"

Kirby still worried.

And I began to worry too when a robot Halcandran came towards us.



"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." I told my friends, even though having Mecha-Candran locked around me made me talk robotically, despite my efforts.

"I'm Magolor in a robot suit, I'm going to get you out of there!"

And so I did.

After I freed Kirby and Floop from the jail cell, we went to an unused closet, and I finally figured out how to get out of Mecha-Candran.

"Ahhhh... that feels way better!" I said once finally free.

"Of course it feels better, being inside me is not the most comfortable experience."

I looked around to see who said that, and then I saw.

It was Mecha-Candran.

Uh Oh.

:3 (heh)

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