Chapter 3-2 Dark Forest

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Mag (Magolor) POV

As we walked through the forest, there was a pretty big tree! In order to stop us from getting lost, I drew a red X on the tree, with chalk, or something. "Are we there yet?" Floop asked, "my legs hurt!" "You don't have any legs Floop! You hover! Remember?" I said, annoyed that the only other one of my kind didn't even know basic Halcandran anatomy.

"Poyo!" Kirby said. I'm so confused with Kirby! I don't even know what he says! I wish there was some way to... "what's that?" Floop asked, pointing at... Ummm... pointing at... Well, basically, it was a giant base, headquarters, whatever you want to call it! "It looks like some sort of lab!" I said, obviously right. "Poyo?" Kirby said, he was probably wondering how we would get in. "Great question! My answer is..."

Cliffhanger! Bam! Lol! (heh)

Side note, I just want to add this short story from my life!

When I was younger I wrote this one book (not finished) in a notebook! It was like a Star Wars book with a new main character and it was supposed to be like a sequel to the main 6 movies, and one of the bad guys was like a robot Darth Vader, but the main crew didn't know it! So they were like "didn't Darth die?" And then Hans Solo (he's pretty dumb in my book) so he said "maybe he's a robot!" And then what the main character thought was so funny, well, he thought this: "We knew it was right because everyone nodded" that makes no sense, and it's hilarious to me!

Wow, You probably came here for Kirby! Well I'm sorry I just rambles on about my own life and other poorly made books! (I don't remember the rest of that book maybe it was good) welp, I guess, see you next time! (Next chapter will be longer, I promise!

:3 (heh)

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