The two headed home and once again, media bombarded them because of Meryl's interview but they just chose to ignore it. As long as it doesn't include their kids, they are just going to shrug those off.

After all Meryl's interviews in LA, they headed back to NYC with Paris for they all have agreed that he will be under Pierce's and Meryl's roof and continue high school in New York.

"Paris, honey, can you pick-up Nicky later?I have a meeting until dinner time and I won't be able to pick you both."Meryl yelled who's preparing Nicky's snacks and lunch.

"Okay mom."Paris answered.

"I won't be able to make it to dinner so you guys can eat out. Call Grace or Mamie or Louisa if you like."Meryl said and Paris and Nicky are just nodding.

"Alright, c'mon, you two will be late."Meryl uttered after she's done and the two went in their car. Meryl drove them to school and she headed to her busy work.

Meanwhile, Pierce is making himself busy in London with all his shootings and business meetings that takes hours to finish but he got to call Meryl at the end of the day and that always make his day complete.

"Babe,"Pierce who is talking on the phone with Meryl started with a low tone and she knew that something is up.

"What is it?"Meryl asked immediately.

"I'll be extending my stay here for another two weeks."Pierce answered and it made Meryl sit at the edge of the bed.

"Hmmm, okay. I thought you're gonna be home sooner."Meryl uttered almost a whisper and Pierce sighed of disappointment. It's the one thing that he doesn't want to happen but then, it happened.

"How are the kids?"Pierce asked changing the topic a little because he is sure that Meryl is disappointed.

"They're uhmm...they're doing fine."Meryl answered, nodding as if he can see.

"I know you don't like what's happening with my schedule, I'm really sorry babe. I never wanted to extend my stay here."Pierce said trying to explain everything to Meryl.

"I know, I know. It's fine. I knew this was going to happen."Meryl replied and Pierce started scratching his head.

"How about on Paris' birthday?Can you take two days or three days off so that you can celebrate with us?"Meryl asked as she remember Paris' birthday is approaching.

"I don't know but I'll see. Where are you guys going to celebrate?"Pierce asked.

"I don't know. Paris is choosing between Le Bernadin and Gotham but we'll see. I'll let you know."Meryl answered whilst settling herself on the bed.

"I think I'm gonna go. It's getting late here."Meryl uttered all of a sudden.

"Yeah. I miss you and I love you."Pierce whispered but she heard it.

"I love you too."Meryl replied and ended the call. She placed her phone on the nightstand and was about to turn off her lamp when she suddenly heard a knock on her door.

"Come in!"She yelled and the door slowly opened revealing Nicky and Paris.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here?"Meryl asked and she suddenly saw the tray that Paris is holding.

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