Chapter 2

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Chapter 2--------( Teran's P.O.V)

I followed Link through Ordon Village. It was very peacful and serene. I saw a guy throwing rocks at a nest of hornets ( I can't remember what they're called exactly, if you know leave it in the comments and I will edit it) when he called Link and asked him to knock it down for him. He ran over to a large stone and climbed up it. " Gahh, isn't that a bit dangerous?" I asked, slightly concerned. He ignored me and continued climbing. When he was at the top he jumped to the next one where a clump of weeds was growing. He picked one and blew on it, a beautiful melody drifted from the grass. Suddenly I heard wings fluttering, a hawk landed on his arm and he sent it towards the nest. He knocked it down. The hornets chased the man into the lake, trying to sting him. He surfaced after the hornets left "Hey thanks Link! I probably should've thought of that first." Link nodded and we continued on our way. We walked further up the path until we got to a house. There were four kids standing around. One of the kids, a blonde kid that looked vaugly familiar, ran towards Link. "Collin, what's wrong?" he asked the kid, Collin. He looked over towards two other boys and a girl. " Milo and Talo won't let anyone go to the Ordon Spring." He said distressed. Link walked over to the kids. " Sorry Link you can't go through." the taller one said. Link glared a bit at him. the kid shifted a bit,"Well, I'll let you through if you show me how to use a sword." he said. Link shook his head," Talo, I can't right now, you have to let me go through." Talo stood stubbornly until Link gave in. He walked over to a training dummy and did a spin attack and a jump attack. I kinda tuned him out after that, remembering my own training. *flash back time* "You have to get strong Teran, to protect someone special and aid another on his quest." There was an old man standing infront of me. He had bright, intellegent blue eyes and black hair slightly graying in the front. "Why gramps?" He laughed and shook his head. I pouted and started skulking away. "Teran, here." He handed me a sword and told me to go practice.
*flashback over*
Link was walking down the path snd Colin was tugging on my arm. I started walking with him to a spring, where Ilia was washing Eponia. Link crawled out of a tunnel after Colin explained about why Eponia was injured. He picked some reeds and blew on them. Eponia tossed her head and ran to Link. "Hmmm, seems you still love your owner huh Eponia." Ilia said sadly. She looked at Link in shared silence. There was a thundering of hooves, when a huge goblin riding a boar rode into the clearing. He knocked out Colin and Ilia, grabbed them and ran away. Link and I chased after them until we got to a huge wall of black with gold. A huge hand grabbed us and pulled us through. A mark on Link's hand glowed brightly. It was the Triforce a voice whispered to me. On my hand a pawprint glowed with a blue light. Next to me Link turned into a wolf. I felt my body change as well. I just didn't know what form. The last thing I saw before passing out was Something dragging Link by his hindleg.

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