A Hybrid's Forbitten Love

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Just a lil hybrid short, that's also a little sad. Words and term as abuse and killing will be mentioned, as will a harsh insight to what actually happens discreetly be mentioned. Same with slight cursing.
Oh, and it's 3rd person because I need to practice writing that again.
I just needed to use that picture, it has nothing to do with the story.


Imagine living in a world where everthing was just as it is in the world you are currently living in. Not that hard, right?
Now, imagine you suddenly find out that the world isn't as you thought. Creatures you have only heard of in fairy tales, exists. Hybrids exists. I am not even talking about animal-animal or plant-plant hybrids, they're common even in the "real" world. Oh no. I am talking about the human-animal hybrids. They're humans, but with a mix of some kind of animal in them, wolf being the most common. No one except for themselves know they exist.

Every normal human have failed to notice their slightly more animal behavior. Instead, they think it's just them being psychotic, or mentally ill. They don't notice that what they're doing is really just what is in their nature. That's also the reason as to why most hybrids are in jail, because they couldn't control their inner animal.

Now, if there is so many hybrids, and so many different kinds of them, shouldn't they be able to walk around normally? The answer is no. Human beings haven't noticed it, but they mentally abuse the hybrids. Not even just mentally, they used to also physically abuse them.
Some humans though, know that hybrids exist. They just act more worse than if they wouldn't have known.

And that's why Kim Taehyung is in hiding, acting like a normal human boy going to a school.

Ah yes, Kim Taehyung. A young boy, wolf hybrid (more commonly known as a werewolf) and a beta. You might be wondering what a beta is, so here's a small info thing.

Hybrids have different ranks, more commonly known as second gender, that helps to show just how their inner animal is. Of course, it doesn't define them completely, and is just stereotypes. Now, on to the ranks.

Firstly, there's true bloods. They are the strongest of all of the hybrids. They are normally really dominant, and often like to work out a lot to maintain their muscles and remain strong. They are really rare, and only around one or two live of each hybrid type. They are considered as an alpha rank, but slightly stronger. To get a true blood, both parents have to be alphas.

Alphas. They are the top in the hierarchy, if you don't count true bloods. They are born leaders, and are normally really dominant and possessive. They are normally leaders in their family. When I say leaders, I mean leaders. They guide their family and help them, not boss them around. It is more common that a male is an alpha than a female (body wise, mind you).

Betas. They are the "normal" hybrids. Stronger than humans, but still weaker than alphas. Of course if they train enough, they might catch up to some alphas, but they have to be determined to do that. They are the workers, along with the alphas that aren't the main alpha. There is a main beta, just as there is a main alpha. The main beta is normally the 2nd in comand in a pack, herd, whatever you may call it. They help the main alpha the best they can. They can be both submissive and dominative. It depends on the person. It is distributed equally between the genders.

And then, we have omegas. Ah, the sweet, sweet omegas. Many people discriminate and hurt these omegas, forcing them into fulfilling the stereotypes of not working at all, not saying anything against anyone and being more submissive just to satisfy their partners. Just like how some humans treat women. Weak, pathetic, and whore are all common names used against these precious people that haven't really done anything but try to care for their pack. Cooks, doctors, and teachers are what they are most commonly working as. Omegas are fragile, slightly weaker than the average human. They are more common as female.

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