Chapter 6

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"Go kill yourself goth girl!" Said a boy from my science class named, Daniel.

"Leave her alone." Jacob shot back.

"Thanks again, jacob." I said softly.

We were walking to language arts when he said,

"How do you stand these haters?"

I only shrug.

Maybe that boy was right. Maybe I should end my life one day and I will try. During class I think about my friend, Jacob. He's always there for me and I'm glad. I don't know why but I feel it harder to breath when we have our awkward moments.I just totally freak out. I can feel my heart racing and skipping beats.


After grabbing our lunch we sat at our usual table.

"Can I ask you something?" Jacob asks.

I nod while chewing my food.

"About yestarday. You actually have feelings for a ghost, right? But do you like anybody that is not a ghost?"

I think for a moment. "I really don't know." "I just never met anyone who liked a ghost." he continued.

I shrug. "Do you like anybody at this school?"

"Yeah but I think she's taken."

"Who's the girl?"

"I'm not telling you. I don't trust you." he teased.

"Have you told anyone about your gift before?"

He shakes his head. "Just you. Hey, come over to my house and we can hang out or something."

"That would be nice just let me text my mom okay?" I said

"Do you want to watch a movie or.." He trailed off.

"Let's do that. How about if we watch a movie called Jeepers Creepers 2." I say

"I don't think I have that movie."

"Don't worry. I have it."

My phone then buzzes.

I smile. "She said yes."


"It's a school night so be back early." My mom says.

"Whatever you say mom." I called out as I ran to my room to find the movie.

Searching my shelves I finally find it when I felt someone watching me. I turned around to find Aubrey.

"Where are you going?" she asked

"Nothing that concerns you freak." I snapped.

"Tell me!"

I roll my eyes. "If you see, Cody tell him I'll be missing him while I'm gone."

"You're going to die?"

"No! I'm going somewhere."


"Well I got to go." I said running downstairs out the front door.


When I arrived at his house he introduced me to his parents and then we headed upstairs.

Entering his room it was clean and organized. His wallpaper was green. He had a desk in one corner and a tv in his room.

"You have a tv in your room?" I asked, handing the movie I brought.

"Yeah." He said, putting on the movie.

While we sat on the floor with pillows, we waited until the trailers were be over.

"Is there any ghosts here?" I asked.

"Only my sister. She really isn't around here though."

"What happened to her?" I softly asked.

"She died of cancer last year when she was only 8."

"I'm sorry that happened." I say. I wanted to comfort him, but how? So I moved closer to him.

Jacob notices. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I don't know why but my heart started pounding hard. I felt like it was skipping beats. Maybe I should just tell him that I'm not feeling well and just leave. What is this feeling? Nervous and what?

"Remember when we were playing truth or dare, Alyssa?"


"Well I thought I may never say this but I think I'm ready." He continued.

"Ready for what?" I asked.

"For this." He said, leaning to my face.

I pushed him. "What the heck are you doing?"

He blushes. "I- I'm sorry. I thought..."

"Your doing the dare right now?" I asked.

Then there was complete silence. With the silence over us we could hear us ourselves breathing again. Without thinking I slowly leaned in and he does too. He seemed to be completing me. This may sound weird but I'm glad he did it. I felt like this was missing.

Pulling away we lock eyes with each other as I got lost in his beautiful hazel eyes again. For a moment I wanted this to last. Why else would he invite me in the 1st place? But that didn't matter now.

"Well that was surprising." He softly says.

"I know." I whispered.

I never intended to do this but we did.


I had trouble sleeping because Aubrey kept bothering with her threats until she left me. Then I felt another presence. I sat up and saw Cody.

For some reason he looked sad and hurt. With the expression I was seeing I felt completely guilty.

"Alyssa." He said. "Where have you been? I came to your room and you weren't there."

Ugh. Aubrey, never did tell him.

"I was at a friend's house." I whispered.

"You mean Jacob's?"

I slowly nod.

"Are you trying to hurt me or something?"

I shake my head. "Can you do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

"I want you to stay for the night because I missed you. So don't leave me."

Hi face softens. "Okay. I will." He says, giving me a good night kiss.

Then he sits on my bedside and started humming my childhood lullaby.

Somehow I felt safe around him and not guilty.

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