["You Should Go Comfort Him"]

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[Y/Ns POV]

"I watch him walk away and look down at Kugo, 'you should go comfort him'he says to me, I nod and follow his path after hearing the door close."


"Well... looks like I'll have to settle with fuckboy." he says making me sigh in defeat, I continue cooking and feel John stiffen against my back as footsteps can be heard from upstairs. He removes himself from me and I feel a sense of longing for him to come back, I see him move to a cabinet and grab a cup. "Can you grab me a cup?" I hear someone behind me say, I turn around to see Kugo. I wave to him and continue focusing on my eggs.

I hear shuffling behind me and Kugo snicker, I turn my head to look at John and see him shift and glare at Kugo. I put the rest of the eggs on the plate and put it on the table behind me. "Help yourselves," I say with a small smile before turning back around to clean up the pan, "you don't need to clean up, I can do that," I hear John say, I turn to him and ask, "are you sure?" He nods in response and I thank him. He calls Jay into the kitchen and I hear a shift from the other room coming closer to the kitchen. Jay enters and John puts four plates down next to the egg plate along with silverware. Kugo is the first to grab a serving, him walking to a stool and sitting on it, then Jay, who went back into the living room, that leaving John and I. We both reach for a plate grabbing the top one, I remove my hand and look up at him only to see him staring at the plate, "sorry" we both say. He lifts up the top plate and hands it to me, "oh thank you," I say and he nod, avoiding eye contact.

I look at him with a questioning look, he looks at me after a while before averting his gave to Kugo, who's giving John a fed up look. "Do you two want me to leave?" I ask, feeling the tension in the air,"No!" John exclaims, jolting head so he's looking at me. My eyes widen and I look him in the eyes, "are you feeling well John?" I ask with a worried tone. I see his eyes widen and he stiffens out, "I- yeah.. I'm fine, thanks.." he trails off and looks down at the table and starts eating his food rather quickly. He picks up his plate and swallows his last bite while moving to the sink, placing his plate in it.

"Leave your plates in the sink so I can wash them later, I'm going upstairs." he says loud enough to hear before walking out of the room and up the stairs. I watch him walk away and look down at Kugo, "you should go comfort him" he says to me, I nod and follow his path after hearing the door close. I maneuver my way through the hallway and find his room. I knock, "John..?" I start, "can I come in?" I hear shuffling from inside his room but no footsteps. I wait for a while and say, "John, I'm coming in," I turn the door handle and slowly open the door. I see him leaning back in his chair, I enter his room and close the door behind me. "John are you alright?" I ask, worry coating my voice, "yeah," he starts, "just embarrassed is all." I nod in response and approach him, standing behind his chair, he looks up at me and I poke his cheek before he grabs my hand.

I stare down at him and he closes his eyes, I bring my hand to his hair and play with it. He lets out a sigh and slumps down further into his chair. After a while he turns his chair around after letting go of my hand and stands up. I look up at him, "feeling less embarrassed, pretty boy?" I ask him holding a small smile on my face, he nods in response. He brings his hand up to my shoulder and trails it down my arm, grabbing my hand when he reaches it. He smiles down at me causing mine to widen, soon after he pulls me into a hug, rocking us back and forth.

"I'm sorry," he says in a calm tone, I look up at him and ask, "why are you apologizing for?" He shifts a little and brings his hands down to my waist, and holds me tighter, "Kugo got into my head last night and I denied him" he told me. "What did you deny..?" I ask him, confused. "I denied that I have..." he stops himself from speaking and goes quiet. "Nevermind, don't worry about it," he goes silent again, not moving his arms from around me. I sigh, deciding not to bug him and stay in his arms, content with the way we were.

He loosens his arms around me, causing me to tighten my grasp on him, not wanting him to let go. We continue to stand the way we were until we hear a knock on the door and I jump a little, him staying the same, "yes?" He asks loudly to be heard from the other side of the door, "you good John? Can we talk for a bit?"I hear Kugo say from outside the door. John groans and lets go, me staying clung to him. He places a small kiss on my forehead and gives me a light smile before I let go. He exits leaving me alone in his room, yet I can still hear them both from behind the door, "what?" I hear John say a bit of irritation stinging his voice, "John, are you doing okay? You clearly are denying your feelings for y/n, that isn't good for you" a small smile paints on my face as I hear this, "Kugo, I know I am, but it's just been so.. soon. I don't want to say I have real feelings because I don't want to scare her off. You know it's my first relationship thing.." he trails off, "John, you are displaying interest, you can't deny that." John sighs and stays silent for a moment, "I know."


This was so late but I really hope you enjoyed it 💕

[Pretty boy] [A Kryoz x Reader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu