Sisters Night Out

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The most anticipated day had finally arrived.that was the day of Eid.The celebration of Eid-Ul-Adha is in commemoration of the command give by Allah to Prophet Ibrahim (may Allah be pleased with him) to sacrifice his first son Ismail to Him. The fulfilment of this noble command of Allah by Ibrahim signifies his faith in Allah..One thing I love about his story is how strong his iman was.he was really a devoted person and Allah has tested him on many occasions but he passed all the tests.that's why he's referred to as Ibrahim khalilulah meaning friend of Allah.his first wife Sarah was unable to have a child but she instead encouraged Ibrahim to marry her servant Hajar.Hajar gave birth to Ismail and Sarah became jealous so Allah ordered him to take Hajar and his baby Ismail to a barren land.He did this without any complain having full trust in Allah.Hajar on the other hand kept questioning his Husband as to why he was leaving them in a deserted land and he kept goin without replying.Hajar then asked his whether it was Allah's order and when he replied yes,she stopped complaining and also had full trust in Allah.this shows that they were both devoted servants of Allah.few years later Sarah was able to give birth to a child and he was called ishaq.
Let's just imagine've stayed for years without a son and when You finally had one Allah asked you to sacrifice him?how will u feel?I guess really bad and we won't want to do it but Ibrahim wasn't sad at all when Allah asked him to sacrifice his son.this shows that once your iman is so high you don't mind doing things for the sake of Allah.No matter how hard things may be You will always have faith that whatever Allah does its for the best.ismael too was not sad with what his father was about to do because he knew it was Allah's order so he accepted to be sacrificed.we can learn that Ismail was really obedient.As children we should obey our parents unless what they ask us to do is against the Deen.
Allah was testing ibrahim's faith and at the end he passed it.this is the reason why we observe eid ul adha(Tobaski) because Ismail was not sacrificed bt a ram was sacrificed instead.
"Eid-Ul-Adha is a day of remembrance. Even in the most joyful times, the Muslim makes a fresh start of the day by a session of congregational prayers to Allah in an open space. Muslims use the occasion to pray to Allah and to glorify His name to demonstrate the remembrance of His grace and favours. Muslims also remember the deceased by praying for their souls to rest in peace. The needy and vulnerable in society are also remembered by showing them sympathy and consolation.We celebrate this feast of commitment, obedience and self-sacrifice to Allah. We wear our nicest clothing and attend the Eid Prayer in the morning. This is followed by a short sermon, after which everyone socializes. Next, people visit each other's homes and partake in festive meals with special dishes, beverages, and desserts.Children receive gifts and sweets on this happy occasion.Some of the meat is given to the poor.The rest is shared among the family, relatives and friends.In addition, Eid-Ul-Adha is a time when Muslims pray for forgiveness from God and strength of faith. They, in turn forgive others, releasing any feelings of enmity or ill feeling towards others.So Eid is a day worth getting excited for not just for the food but to ponder upon the main reason why it is celebrated.
I was overwhelmed that I will be meeting my sisters from the other group "Shabatul mujaahidat".Although we all had food in abundance in our homes,we decided to just go out and have fun.Who said hijabis don't have fun??Ofcuz they do but in a halal way.
We agreed to meet after Isha prayers at kebabji.Moments later, we all met there but we weren't comfortable with the environment so We decided to go to a more convenient place..on our way to chicos,we got to the police checkout and one of the men told us "Yen kei Amut Ben problem romba Len.sen solu bi mutt na teh rafet"meaning As for you guys you can pass because your dressing is modest and nice.whilst other girls who didn't observe haya(Modesty) fully were being asked questions before they could pass,we just came and passed through with ease.You want to know why?Because of our HIJABS. The hijab is a safeguard against fitna.we were able to move about and communicate without fear of harassment.our hijab gave us that unique confidence.Allah wants others to treat us,Muslim women with kindness that's why He made the hijab obligatory upon us.And the hijaab brings about the best treatment of men towards you.with our HIJABS,we were dignified, not dishonoured, noble, not degraded, liberated, not subjugated, purified, not sullied, independent, not a slave, protected, not exposed, respected, not
laughed at, confident, not insecure, obedient, not a sinner,We Were guarded pearls,We Are the QUEENS OF ISLAM.
Modesty (haya) and maintaining one's
honor are of primary importance
in preserving the moral fiber of any society. This is why modesty has
been called the ornament of a woman, which protects her from many
sins and which prevents ill-intentioned men from daring to have bad
thoughts about her. This haya has been made a part of her nature to
safeguard her from being abused by immoral men.Just imagine how respected we were just because we were fully covered Ma Sha Allah.
We later went to chicos which was way better than kebabji.We preferred to sit outside because we were the only people sitted there and no non mahram could be seen there.we chatted a lot and ofcuz we talked about the Deen..Because a gathering where Allah's name is not mentioned has no use.After we ate to our fill,we decided to go home.We strolled for about 30 minutes on the high way.Places like "the village"was filled with people and since it was Eid people were out chilling.
Just imagine how boys would have been following us if we were not fully covered but Alhamdulilah with our hijabs,they couldn't even come close to us let alone trying to talk to us because they knew we respected ourselves and we wouldn't want to involve in vain talk.Some say hijab oppresses Muslim women but I say the hijab protects us.Ma sha Allah with our HIJABS we are respected and we will always be respected.
After every meeting with my gorgeous hijabi sisters,I feel like the happiest young muslimah on earth.Being in a company of people who remind me of my Rabb every single second. Eid ul Adha 1435 was the best eid I've ever witnessed.What a Splendid Memorable night it was!!

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