"Lucy?" The person still holding my elbow spoke to me, I nodded with my eyes still closed. There's no point in looking, I can't keep anything in focus right now. "Ah, Lucy." They said again.

Yes? It's me. Why?

I tried to form those words, nothing but slurs came out. A light chuckle came from the person, with the deep vibration of their laugh allowed me to know it was a boy grasping my arm, the grip on my elbow became tighter.

"Separated from, Potter, eh? That's rare..." The boy tugged my elbow into their chest, I tried tugging my arm from their grasp but all my body functions were moving much slower than I wanted them to.

Everyone in the room was too focused on their own conversations or games going around, the lights were dimmed down to begin with and the music was blaring. No one was noticing a thing.

"Don't touch me." The words flew out of my mouth with aggression. I yanked my arm back and I finally recognized the person holding me.


He laughed at my words and grabbed my wrist, squeezing it harder than when he held my elbow. I furrowed my eyebrows together and pushed his hand off of my wrist with force, he chuckled, releasing my wrist and leaning into my face. He raised a hand to my cheek, touching it with a finger, I smacked his hand away with pure anger now.

"I said don't touch me." I said louder. I've never even spoken to Goyle before, who does he think he is to even approach me with his natural terrible attitude he has all the time. I couldn't fathom being friends and around such negativity. Let alone let it touch me. After the woods, no one is ever going to lay their hands on me again. I will not let it happen. People are dangerous, and this boy has only proven to me once again that inside and out of the castle is still dangerous, and people are not done messing with me.

"Didn't she say not to touch her?" A familiar voice boomed through the crowd, a few people stepped back from Goyle and I and examined the situation. I glanced up and saw Harry standing next to me with pure rage in his eyes, his cheeks were a beat red and his fists were clenched. I stepped forward and placed my hand on his forearm, trying to grab his attention, his eyes remained on Goyle.

"Come on. I'm okay. He's not worth it." I said in a calming manner, Harry didn't move as Goyle began laughing in his face.

"Good thing you're here," Goyle said sarcastically, "she might've ended up in the woods half dead again." Goyle sneered evilly. All feelings in my body went numb from his words, and this time, it wasn't from the alcohol.

Not even a second later Harry's fist collided with Goyles face. He fell onto the ground and began spitting out blood from his mouth, Harry climbed on top of him and continued pounding his face into the carpet.

I wanted to stop him, I wanted to pull Harry off and take him away from this toxic human. But I was in complete shock.

Could Goyle have been my attacker? How could he say something like that?

A small tear fell from my eye as I was frozen to the ground, it felt as if the air in the room had been completely sucked out and I couldn't breathe anymore.

I wasn't breathing. As I watched Goyle take a hit to Harry's eyebrow, I finally launched myself forward attempting to grab him, but someone's large arms were wrapped around my body pulling me a few feet away from the fight happening in the center of the common room.

"There's no way I'm letting you near that," Cedrics voice said behind in my ear, he let me go and approached Harry. Pulling him off of Goyle as he made one last hit to his face, Harry continued fighting Cedric until Fred and George helped hold him down and pulled him away from the fight.

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