Author's note for the peoples! 0-0

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Hola from France!!!

Anyway, I just wanted to say if you did read the whole first book... thank you. I honestly have been wanting to right this short series for a very long time, but didn't really know how. Until I found this amazing app!

I love being creative and writing about the things I imagine or like day dream about.
Red (Amy) has been a character I see a lot in my day dreams over the past few years. But all of the stories that I would dream about where very complex and hard to understand. (They also made no sense whatsoever) And it wasn't until this version of Amy came across my mind around a year ago that I actually fell in love with it.

I have a very overactive imagination and I've never enjoyed it as much as I do now. Also a lot of the stuff I've written in this book was stuff I came up with on the spot. I don't like to think about too much detail before I start writing a chapter because then when I go to right it because it just messes everything up for me.

But anyway I just wanted to say thank you to anyone who is enjoying this series and just in general even if you didn't like it, I appreciate you coming to take a look! But yeah! Thank you sooooooo much! And have a great day!!!!! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! :)

(Ps- Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors! This series is going to probably contain a lot more of that knowing meself. And also, if your wondering about the second book. See my conversations page for updates. Okaeee, official by now..... byyeeeeeeee! 👻)

The Shadowing                                  The Diamonds:  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now