Chapter Two: Old Friends

Start from the beginning

Mello: What the fuck are you doing back?!

Matt: Did L not answer?

Near: I told you he is busy.

Ash: No,'s not like that...I umm..I'm gonna wait to see him...

I got to the kitchen and open the refrigerator and got an Apple. I close it and Mello is standing right there. It spooked me.

Mello: You're insecure.

Ash: Wait, no.

Mello: Don't lie. You're worried that Jack doesn't want to be your boyfriend anymore.

I give him a look. Ok, I might not like Mello and he is good at feeling out your feelings and that's what I need at times. Just someone who knows my feelings and that can talk to me about them without me telling people about my feelings.

Ash: Alright, fine you got me.

Mello: Jack has been waiting to see you again for years but he was scared that you forgotten him. He would ignore anything that has to do with you...until...this happened... you need to show him you haven't forgotten about him...that still love him.

And I suddenly like Mello. He is good support. I nod took some candy from a bowl. I went back to Jack's door and I knock on it gently. The door open. And a guy with cut black hair wearing a white shirt and black pants open the door. He stares at me. I hug him and close the door with my foot. I push him on the bed then kiss his neck. Jack lets out soft moans. I can't control myself. I been waiting to long to touch him. To feel his body. I somehow pull my self off of him and I sit up. Jack whines.

Ash: We are not having other first time doing it on our reunion.

Jack sits up too and we hug.

Jack: I missed you so much. I'm sorry I didn't send you a text or a email.

Ash: It's ok. I was worried but I knew you were safe here.

Jack touches me skin.

Jack: You're softer then I remember.

Ash: Your body is so skinny. I couldn't just...

I gently bite on Jack's shoulder. He gasped.

Jack: Please...I need you...

I'm sticking to not doing but it's so hard. God I'm a horny bastard. I never done it with anyone and now I have the chance.

Ash: Just wait a little while longer Jack...I will give you what you want later.

Jack whines a little. I lick his neck to try to satisfy him but he wants me. Jeez he is horny then me. I get up from the bed and move away so I don't end up doing with him. He gives me a sad look.

Ash: Don't give me that look. I promise we will do it later.

Jack nods. I open the door and walk to the kitchen. Mello is waiting for me.

Mello: How did it go?

Ash: We almost did it but... I decided not to.

Near: Looks like you owe me 100 bucks Mello.

Mello: Shut up your white sleep.

Jack walks into the room.

Jack: Mello....

He says.

Mello: Sorry L.

I smirk. So L's the father huh? Interesting... I gave Jack the candy I had and he lights up. He eats it quickly. I smile.  I ate my apple. Mello eats his chocolate bar. We have weird taste in food. Candy, an apple and a chocolate bar. Are we like related or something. Near comes in and sees us eating.

L meets Light again (LawLight Fanfic Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now