"Amy," after a few minutes of silence, Shadow raised his eyes back to Amy, "I want to teach you how to use Chaos Control."

    Amy was, understandably, very confused by this seemingly out of no where request. They were talking about being comfortable with each other. About letting each other in. About their new relationship. But now Shadow wants to teach her Chaos Control out of no where. 'That has nothing to do with what we were talking about.' Amy thought as he face turned to confusion.

    Shadow noticed and chuckled softly, "I trust you enough to let you in on my powers, and to show you how they work. I want to involve you in my life, and this is the only way I can think of how. By showing you Chaos Control, and letting you use this." Shadow reached into his pocket and pulled out a shinning green stone.

    "Your Chaos Emerald!" Amy's eyes lit up as she finally understood what Shadow meant. It wasn't just a random question to get away from a uncomfortable subject for Shadow, it was a way for him to FEEL comfortable about the subject!

    Shadow stood up and helped Amy get to her feet. "Are you okay with that?"

    "Will I be safe?"

    Shadow gazed into the emerald green eyes of the pink hedgehog, "I wont let anything happen to you, I promise." With that, Shadow handed Amy the glowing green gem, but he also didn't release. "I'm going to be with you every step of the way, Rose."

    Amy nodded her head, as she felt the warmth of the Chaos Emerald, and Shadow's hands, give her confidence. "Alrighty then. What's my first lesson, sweetness?"

    Shadow winced at the pet name Amy gave him. He had been calling her 'Rose' before out of respect, but now it had became a cute little nickname he could call the pink hedgehog. But Shadow had no idea why she picked 'Sweetness.' The dark hedgehog gave himself a shrug and figured he'd come back to it later.

    "First, I'll teach you how to slow down time." Shadow began to look around the room until he found what he was looking for, "Look at that clock over there. It reads 3:37. I want you to keep looking at the time, focusing on making time stop moving until it comes to a complete stop. Think you can do that for me?"

    Amy again nodded as she focused her attention on the clock. 'Okay. Slow down time. Slow down time... Slow...down...time...Slow...' As Amy chanted to herself, Shadow noticed that the clock was slowing down, until eventually, the arms showing the time stopped completely.

    "Very good," Shadow turned back to Amy, who looked like she was struggling to keep her hold on time. "It is difficult the first few times. But it gets easier over time. You can release your hold on the time whenever you'd like."

    Amy breathed a sigh of relief as the clock began to move again. After some breathing, the pink hedgehog looked up to Shadow with a big smile on her face. "I...I did it. I can't believe that I did it! I can stop time!"

    Shadow gave her a smile in return. "Actually, that was the hardest thing to do with Chaos Control. I shouldn't have lead up to that, but I wanted to know how much you could handle. And since you can do that, I'm positive you can use the teleportation ability."

    Amy's smile grew bigger and her eyes seemed like they were almost glowing with pure joy with what Shadow was saying. Shadow noticed, and began to mess with Amy's bangs playfully.

    "Okay, on to teleportation." Shadow placed his hand back onto the Chaos Emerald, cupping Amy's hand in his, "This time, your going to envision a place you have seen, or have been to, and begin focusing on going there. To keep it simple for now, I want you to focus on a room in your house, that way it is easier for you to see it in your mind. Just pick a room, and teleport us there."

Love at last (ShadAmy)(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now