One Shot, Two Shot

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I actually didn't get to where I wanted to with this chapter because where I left off seemed like a lot, so enjoy this for now :)


The night was still young, even though it was already almost 12:30 AM. Pregaming at Nate and Cristians house only lasted for about a half hour considering they only had less than half a bottle of Malibu left for four people to split. Each person had about two or three shots before they decided to head over to Delta Sig, one of the most notorious fraternities on Gotham University's campus. Since Naomi was dating one of the basketball players on the University team, she got all the good hookups for the parties. Which meant Emma did too.

She couldn't even remember how much she'd had to drink that night. Luckily it wasn't enough to where she was stumbling over herself and half way slurring her words. Those nights were pretty rough. As far as she was concerned, she only had maybe four shots of flavored vodka and two mixed drinks that Naomi had made for her on top of the two shots of Malibu she had at Nate's to "pregame". She would've gone back for a third mixed drink, but Nate had luckily been looking after her and instead handed her a bottle of water when she asked for something else to drink. The last half hour was spent on the dance floor with a just as drunk Naomi, a tipsy Cristian, and a sober Nate dancing to the music that the DJ was blasting. Every once in awhile a few people would come up and join them. Emma danced with a few guys for fun while Naomi sent all the ones who tried to come up to her to Emma.

This was a great way to forget about the weird man or Dr. Crane's stupid dickwad self and his exam. That's what this was all about, wasn't it? To let loose and forget.

Emma had finished the bottle of water that Nate had given her and stalked off from the group so she could grab another one. Her head was already starting to ache and she could feel her stomach churning. The brunette knew she was in for a rough night after they left Delta Sig. Emma cut through the crowd of dancing people instead of going around them on her way towards the table where they were handing out drinks. She was nearly out of the crowd when she felt a pair of hands wrap around her waist and try to pull her back into the crowd to dance. She shook the hands off her hips and continued to find her way out of the crowd, but once again hands found their way to her and were pulling her back into the crowd. The girl whipped around to face the guy with balled up fists.

"Quit it, jackass, get off of me!" she yelled over the music as she pushed him backwards away from her.

The boy, obviously very drunk from the way he stumbled, walked towards Emma again. Before she could make another move, hands came between the two to separate them.

"Hey! Woah, woah, woah!" Nate yelled over the music, "Chill out dude!" he looked at the guy before glancing over to Emma, "You too, what was that?"

"He tried to pull me into the crowd and he wouldn't leave me alone!" Emma responded with a large angry frown.

Naomi and Cristian walked up with confused looks on their faces seeing Nate separating Emma and the random guy.

"Get out of here, dude," Nate nudged the guy away and turned back to Emma, "Come one, it's about time we get out of here, it's late."

Emma didn't even argue with him. Nate gently grabbed ahold of her wrist while Chris helped to lead Naomi out of the party as well. They walked outside, and the fresh air was honestly very helpful in getting the girl's to sober up a little bit. Emma felt like her head was a bit more clear now.

Nate opened the passenger side front door for Emma to climb in and Cristian helped Naomi into the car.

"Are you two gonna be good back at the dorm or should we bring you back to our house so you can crash?" Nate asked as he climbed into the driver's seat and turned on the car.

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