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So I have been getting overwhelmingly positive feedback from friends that I have had beta-read the previous chapter as well as this one. I have decided that I will keep posting it and adding to this unless that isn't what people want to see. I don't know, but I just have so many ideas for this and I'm ecstatic to share it with you guys!


I don't know, it's not that I've ever felt unsafe on this campus- minus the time that weird old guy walked into Matt Neely's party last month and tried to roofie a few girls- but last night just seemed so confusing. I don't know where that guy could have gone last night, I mean he was clearly following me. I'm not gonna be like one of those "boy who cried wolf" people, but I know what I saw and what I experienced, there was no way I imagined that. On to even more pressing matters, Dr. Crane's exam turned out to be easier than I had anticipated, so staying up until 3 probably didn't even matter in the long run. I hate to be this way, but I really hope they fire him. He seems like such a creep and such a tightass all at the same time. He says he's got a wife and kid at home, but no one has ever seen any pictures so none of us believe him. The kids that sit in the back have a theory that he's gay and only says that stuff to seem normal. While that is pretty funny, I don't want to jump to any sort of conclusion or get caught up in drama. Well, that's really all for now. Until next time.

-Emma Rose

Emma closed her journal that she'd bought at the beginning of the school year and set it on her desk following that by laying her pen on top of it. The notebook was about the size of a standard notebook, but it was also incredibly thick with all the empty pages she had yet to use and vent on. In metallic gold calligraphy cursive letters, "be happy" was engraved into the navy blue cloth cover. The journal was her way to put her inner most deepest feelings and thoughts in a place where no one would have to deal with them. She'd vent to Naomi, but she was a bit of a blabber mouth, especially when she was drunk. The journal just seemed like the most viable option.

Leaning back in her chair, Emma let out a tired sigh. She had previously debated on telling Bruce about what had happened the night before, but at the same time she didn't want to be completely dependent on him. Sure, he was a vigilante who went out on the streets at night to fight crime in order to take on helping those who needed it. Except Emma felt a sense of responsibility for herself because she was an adult and she was on her own; she couldn't run to Bruce everytime something went wrong. However, she also knew that Bruce worried about her being in such a vulnerable position. He wasn't oblivious to the hatred people had for the Waynes and he also knew how cruel people could be. In the end, he really did care for his child and wanted to make sure she was safe while at college.

"How did your exam go?" a voice snapped Emma out of her thoughts. It was Naomi, who had just gotten back to the dorm from her computer science discussion.

"Not worth staying up until 3 for if that says anything," Emma rolled her eyes as she stood to place her journal on the shelf it normally sat on when she stored it.

Naomi scoffed, "Didn't he drill you guys about how hard and important this test was gonna be? Why would he do that and then give you something watered down?"

"Because he's a dick," Emma turned back to Naomi and leaned against her desk, "How was your last night ever with Ilya?" she teased.

Naomi narrowed her eyes at Emma playfully, "It was great, we had sex three times and watched a ton of movies, he ordered pizza at some point. I just ended up staying the night and went to class from there."

"Thank you for that, Naomi, and I figured when I got back from here at 3 and you weren't in bed," Emma chuckled.

"So what else you got going on on this fine Friday?" Naomi took a seat on Emma's bed.

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