"Calm down, everyone!"

"Relax people." I mumbling, not really caring for the protest or whatever they were trying to do as long as they keep up the deal of only having five minutes of the spotlight.

Turning around to the Mikaelsons who were looking around, amused.

I say in a huff. "Welcome to the annual protest where the vampire faction do this every single year."

"And what are they protesting for." Elijah said.

"They apparently would like to be taken more seriously." I sighed, continuing as I saw their confused face. "It's a tale as old as time, a small misunderstanding between the vampires and the werewolves that started a small rival between them."

The vampires sat for around five minutes and as per our deal they got off but not before the two ringleaders came up to thank me.

"And now is the teachers section, the faction representatives have decided which teacher is going to participate in the show." Dorian announced.

I felt tired, thirsty and the lack of personal time was getting to me, luckily i had a pick-me-up hidden in my skirt pocket which I filled up discreetly in the kitchen.

One by one, the teachers had gone to do a performance and soon the show was finishing or so I thought.

"Next up, our very own headmaster; Dt Saltzman!" Dorian said, smirking at the baffled man causing me to choke on my own spit.

"Lottie, I swear if you put me up to this." I quickly put my hands up in surrender.

"Hey, I didn't do this but whoever did is about to get a golden sticker and an A+ from me." I giggle.

"Actually dad, it wasn't mom, it was us." Josie smiled while Lizzie smirked.

Ric groaned and started to walk to the stage but I pulled back and slyly gave him my pick-me-up.

He brightly grinned at me and pecked my cheek, happily before walking backstage.

"Nu-uh. Nice try mom, but dad is not doing this alone." Lizzie smugly said and waved her hand to Dorian.

"Also joining, is the talented Miss Forbes, looks like both our headteachers will be coming out on stage tonight." He cheered, the crowd following

Rolling my eyes, I go in the same direction as Ric and find him behind the curtain, chugging my flask. I snatch it off from him and in return he gives me a dirty look.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen. Our headteachers of the Salvatore Boarding School."

Dorian walked by and pushed us into the spotlight, a karaoke machine already set up and the intro to "Dancing Queens" starting.

Ric walks right to the front of the stage and grabs a mic, the crowd quietens down, the alcohol must of started its effects.

"You can dance, you can jive
Having the time of your life
Ooh see that girl, watch that scene
Dig in the dancing queen" Ric begins to slowly sing, the crowd silent and my jaw to the floor.

He continues to the sing the first verse as I unnoticeably take sips out of my flask. When he reaches the chorus, he dramatically points at me, for a moment, everything and one goes silent, I look around for any quick exits but all I saw were Lizzie's smug smile, Josie's encouraging one and the blue eyes that always makes me freeze.

I continue to look at him when I realise the alcohol must've sunk in, meaning I have an excuse to be stupid.

I shrug and take the other microphone and together, Ric and I burst into the chorus, our arms wrapped around each other's necks, swaying left and right.

And it gets better because once we finished that song the crowd started to chant for another one, most probably to just watch their headteachers embarrass themselves.

But when we were in the middle of "Time of Our Lives" my phone ringed as Ric belted his note.

Walking slightly backwards and ignoring the disapproving look he was giving me, I pick up the phone without looking at caller ID.

"Hello?" I said loudly, the music still blasting behind me.

"Char, hey it's me." My twin sister replied back.

"Care!" I enthusiastically smiled even though she couldn't see it.

"I got some bad news." 

That made my already-bad day go down the shit drain.


Not going to lie, that karaoke scene is based on me and my friend last weekend. Unfortunately for me, I don't have the singing voice that the Forbes twins have so that was a nice moment for me to cringe about in years time.

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