c.b.<chrons disease>

Start from the beginning

he's been acting this way for a while now, he's been having so many flare ups for the past days, and yet you take no notice into it jonah. he's been leaving for the bathroom every 15 minutes. i hear him sobbing in the bathroom. and not to mention he hasn't taken his shirt off in front of us for months, something's up but yet you don't take notice.

i know you love him, i know it. but you need to ask him whats wrong. "j-j-jack, im sorry, i do really love him. where is he" bathroom

with that jonah took off to the bathroom in hopes of helping his lover.

Jonah's POV

fuck im so stupid.

how could it not notice? that my boyfriend has been acting werid as fuck. not taking his shirt off in front of me for months, or even showered with me.

im such i bad boyfriend.

i finally made my way to the bathroom to hear gagging and dry heaving, and cries for help, i immediately knew it was my boyfriend.

"h-h-help m-m-me" is all i could hear from the other side of the door. i immediately run into the bathroom and kneel down beside corbyn while he was gagging really loud, but nothing would come out.

i flipped him around and placed him on my lap, so he was now facing me. i looked into his eyes and all i could see was pain. "jo, i need to use the bathroom, c-c-can you leave for few" yes, babe ill be waiting outside.

i stepped out of the bathroom and let corbyn do what he had to do, after he was done he yelled for me so i walked back into the bathroom to see him sitting down with his back up against the platinum wall.

i walk over and sit beside him, not caring if he could get me sick. i wrapped my arms around him and placed a kiss on his forehead.

corbyn, can you talk to me? i know somethings wrong. talk to me love. "jo im sick. really sick" he said while picking at his fingers making sure not to make eye contact with me.

babe, its alright ill take care of you. that's when he looked up at me with tears gathering in his eyes. "no jo" he said grabbing my hand and interlocking it with his. "im really sick. not just where you can give me medicine and ill be okay. i-i-i have chrons disease." he said letting out a sob at the end.

my heart broke.

my lover, my best friend, was suffering all alone with this disease and never told me.

"i mean, i can't die from it. it just sets me back from doing things i love. i get dizzy at unknown times, i have to use the bathroom at unexpected times, i have the urge to throw up, and im losing alot of wait jojo" how much do you weigh.

he didn't answer my question, he just stood up and i did the same and he took off his shirt.

he has lost weight alot of it.

baby, i say pulling him into a hug.

it's okay, you'll be okay, will get through this together, don't feel your alone bub, your not. will go get medicine tonight okay.

later that night corbyn and i went out and and got the medicine he needed.

that night we ended up cuddling in the hotel room. legs intervined with each other, my arms wrapped around his torso, while his head was layed upon my chest.

"i love you"

next day•

this mort i woke with an empty spot on my bed.

where was corbyn?

my question immediately got answered when i heard someone throwing up in out bathroom, i quickly got out from under the comforter and made my way over to the bathroom, to see corbyn bent over the toilet letting out heart retching sobs, while he was letting his contents out in the toilet.

about a few minutes later he finally stopped and looked up at me. "bubba hurts" i know buddy, i said picking him up bridal style and then taking him over to our bed.

right when i sat him down he immediately got up and ran to the bathroom again, shut the door and locked it. i knew exactly what he was about to do, so i sat at the end of the bed waiting for him to get done.

few moments later he came out of the bathroom looking like a mess. oh bean, is all i said while engulfing him in a hug. "jojo the medicine isn't working" it's okay, bud will go to the doctor's again today's and get more medicine i promise. "i love you" i love you too, i said cupping his cheeks and placing a kiss to his lips.

"im tired"

it's 2 in the afternoon babe. "i legit just threw up all the guts and almost shit myself, trust my jo, i deserve this. he said falling back onto the bed. i started laughing. "it's not funny jo. it hurts really bad sometimes."

babe, i know im sorry, ill do anything in my power to help you get through this you'll be okay.

"anything"? he asked me


"okay, in that case can you drive to fucking in-out and get me some chicken tenders?" he said laughing. of course babe, ill do that for you. i grab my stuff and leave.

when i get back i see corbyn coming from the bathroom shirtless. he was glowing.

granted he was skinny.

but glowing.

i got you your chicken my love. "thanks jo. i love you so much"

i love you so much more.

{fuck this was disappointing, but thx for the request🤙]

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