Lives In: why do you want to know? ;)

Seriously, Jake?

I still need to know where he lives. . . Gosh, that sounds so creepy! Hm, I wonder what he would say if I just asked him? Yeah, I’ll do that! If he doesn’t tell me, then he’s probably up to something. But what? He doesn’t really have anything to hide, it’s not like I’ll stalk him if he does tell me.

Wait. . . I kind of will. . . Well, the whole point is to find out where he lives, right!?

Before I could even realize what I was doing, I was calling Jake. It was already on the third ring, no turning back now, Alex.

“Hello?” he asked huskily. “It’s. . .” He paused, probably looking down at his phone. “. . .Like midnight in Florida.”

“Um. . .” I was suddenly lost for words. How can I say this without sounding like a stalker!? “Where do you live?”

“Are you trying to stalk me again?”

“No?” Well, yes, yes I am. “This information won’t hurt anyone, will it?”

“Okay, search this up on Google. Knowing you, you’re probably already on your laptop, looking it up on my Facebook profile,” he said. Yeah, I was.

I scoffed. “No. . .”

“Were you really doing that?” he laughed loudly.

“No! Shut up. Okay. What do you want me to search?”

He cooled down a bit before replying, “Type in the letter ‘I’,” he commanded.

“Okay. . . Then what?” I asked.

Saying it slowly, he replied, “L-I-K-E-B-A-N-A-N-A-S.”

I typed in those letters. “You live in ilike— Hey! That’s not even a real place! Or word, for that matter! No one cares if you like bananas, Jake!”

He started laughing; not just a chuckle, but an actual laugh. “Well, some people seem to think that it is an interesting fact.”

I rolled my eyes. “Well, are you going to tell me where you live or not?” I asked impatiently.

“I think you’re definitely trying to stalk me, Lexi. . .”

“I don’t care. I am not stalking you.” Yes, actually I am. “Are you going to tell me or not, Jake? You’re wasting my time!”

“No, I am not telling you.”

Before I could retort, I heard the phone click, signaling he ended the call. He did not just hang up on me! Wait, yes he did. Ugh, fine then, Jake.

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