chapter twenty five

Beginne am Anfang

When we got out to the dock, Christina began messing around on her computer while the others sang and messed around, while I just thought about everything that's happened in the past few months.

"This was supposed to be a fun summer that was all about fun and music but it just ended up being drama and all about Heather," Daniel whined.

"And Aubrey, can't forget that backstabbing bitch and a half." Phoebe cut in, ripping her twizzler in half to share with Zach.

"It happens," Corbyn said.

"I can't believe that Mitchie agreed to be some backup singer because she got intimidated." Phoebe then added.

"That's what Heather can do to you," Christina said.

"No, Aubrey did it to her," Jonah said, shaking his head.

"I did it to myself." I cut in.

"I don't think I've ever seen Brown so harsh," Christina then said.

"Until the end of Final Jam." Daniel then mocked his accent again, still obviously angry about the whole ordeal.

"Um, we know Daniel. We were there." Christina pursed her lips.

Suddenly, I realized why Brown was so pushy on the end of Final Jam.

The END of Final Jam.

"No, guys." My eyes widened, a smile taking over my face. "We gotta go."

"What?" Jonah asked.

"Follow me!" I then yelled, beginning to run the other way.


"You think that this is going to work?" Jonah asked, looking at me.

"I'm hoping," I breathed out, my nerves beginning to take over. "Can I- can I sing to you?"

"What?" Jonah asked, looking at me with a look on his face I couldn't decipher. I began to repeat my words, but he cut me off before I could begin. "No, I heard you I mean, that was I think the cutest thing I've ever heard. The softest thing, too."

"I just- I don't usually sing in front of people and if I'm going to do this, I want to know I can do it, and I-"

"Hey hey hey, if Daniel was that upset because you couldn't do a duet, then I'm pretty sure you're like, the next Mariah Carey or something." Jonah let out a laugh. "But of course you can, you can sing to me whenever you want, Mitch."

I looked around, making sure that nobody was in the room with us before walking over to the piano and pulling out my notebook, beginning to play the chords, singing the notes. It was different, knowing that Jonah was listening to me, and watching me, but luckily I didn't somehow mess everything up. He was smiling, and I could see it in the corner of my eye and it took everything I had in me not to stop and smile but I managed to continue and by the time I was done he clapped, causing my face to grow red, shutting the book quickly and shoving it in my bag.

"You're so good, I can understand the whole ordeal with Daniel now!" Jonah overexaggerated, and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up."

"I'm being serious, Mitch!" He nudged me, "You're gonna rock it tonight, I have faith in you."

"Thanks." I leaned my head on his shoulder, causing him to wrap his arm around me. "I'm nervous. What if this doesn't go as planned?"

camp rock,  why don't we ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt