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It rained for days. 

And when it finally stopped 

The cloud were all shades of gray. 

The feeling of you was stripped away  

Like possessions stolen by thieves in the night

All of sudden, all at once. 

And as I lay in our once shared bed

I find darkness to be my friend. 

The sun nor the moon rises or falls here

Just dreary, wet, tears. 

Love was once made here
held here
 said here
 heard here
taken here
Love is absent here now.

I told you to go

But my eyes said please stay

I pushed aggressively 

But you left passively 

You kissed my cheek

Rubbed my edges

Sprinkled me with lavender 

Cover my eyes with glitter

Poured sweet honey in my ears 

You left in the night
Not a word not a snicker.

And I woken 3 days later
Positioned to lay my head on your chest
Listen for a heart beat
But heard nothing less
Of a reaping willows pillow.
Our room became the sea.
Our sun was blown out
Our moon was destroyed
You shut me out

I am free but I slave in this room
Love freed me but love slaved me to you.

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