Ode to a wilted flower

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And if wilted flowers can't grow
I knew one that did so .
I let him call me sunshine
 im not 
I expected him to stay in one place
But in my heart of heart knew he could not 
I guess we thought we could change one another
Mold one another
Find hope in one another
But he knew like I did  
That feeling anything is like dope , an addiction.
Giving me shake from withdrawal faith.
Exchange love is all fake .
I want to escape .
Shake this wieght.
feeling at all is suicide
Watching me fall is homicide
you should be convicted
Called you several times and you wouldn't even listen .
Made sure your belly was full of good intentions.
But your beat went on crying for attention
Fuck these feelings
Fuck you you villian
My momma warned me about guy like you .
Come in drinking all your juice
Eating out your lunch box
Playing around on your playground
Kissing you near the swings
Stealing all your energy.
Making you feel every , anything  
Emotional vampires
he didnt understand his own depression.
All he could focus on was his erection.
People pleasing me
Giving him just what he needs
I watch him suck the life out of me
My youth started to deplete
so I put this heart on pause
I had to grow some balls
Cause feeling at all is killing me
Why is hope in love in all these movie
Saying be patient love will find you 
cure you
Like love ain't it's own disease
Like it don't take over your whole entire body
Like love ain't cancer in the heart
Like love will save you from the dark
When it was love that put you there,
They say all is fair in love and war
But I've been coming out the loser for a while now .
I use to want fairytale love
But I grew up , I ain't a child now.
But I'm numb to these feeling
Now I am villain 
Now I should be convicted 
And if wilted flower can't grow
I am living prof that one did so
And so and so.

No GoldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora