Chapter 37: American Men

Comenzar desde el principio

My face heats up,"No I have not-"

Amelia laughs, "She's a prude!"

Lucia rolls her eyes, "Better then a who-"

"How about we talk about the food?" Sarah offers.

I smile gratefully, "The food is delicious but it depends where you eat it and who cooks it".

Sarah smiles, "I would love to visit America one day".

Lucia nods in agreement.

I take both of their hands, "Please come! I'll show you around and we can-"

Amelia huffs, "I wouldn't! I heard-"

A women comes into the living room with an older man by her side.

"Amelia let's go!"

The three of us watch as she leaves feeling like we can breathe better.

"Do you have a boyfriend Sarah?"

She sighs, "Papa doesn't want me to mary a mafia man. But he also doesn't want me to mary an outsider. Only a Sicilian Italian".

I give her a small smile, "You'll find someone darling. What about you Lucia?"

Sarah giggles, "Probably after she dies Giovanni will give her permission to date".

Lucia scowls, "I can do whatever I want as a grown woman. I am not dating right now".

I notice her red face, her anxious body language and her hesitant reply.


I look up as Giovanni walks in, "Let's go to bed you look tired".

I frown, "Would it be rude".

Lucia laughs, "Giovanni never cares weather what he does is rude or not".

Gio ignores her and holds out his hand, "No they will understand".

I take his hand standing and bid my goodbye to the girls.

In Giovanni's room I have a hard time falling asleep. The room gave me the creeps and it was freezing.

Getting up and walking over to tell Giovanni to turn on the heat was not an option. I was scared like the baby that I am that the monsters lurking in the room will snatch me as soon as I uncover myself.

Pulling out my phone I dial his number.


His voice comes out tired and scratchy making me shiver not because of the temperature.

"Gio it's cold in here".

"I'm sorry my love I forgot to turn on the heat I'll do it right now sí?"

"OK thanks".

I end the call and soon enough the heat motor starts to run and the room gains warmth.

After 30 minutes I call Giovanni again.


I swallow, "Sorry I forgot to say goodnight".

He chuckles on the other end, "Goodnight mio amore".

Half an hour passes and I gain strength to peak out of the blanket. A shiver runs up my spine and I yank the covers over my head again.

I couldn't fall asleep in here no matter how hard I tried. It was too scary.


"Giovanni can you please come over?"

There is a pause on his end, then the call drops.

I bite my lip, well that was embarrassing. He is probably so annoyed with me-.

"What's wrong baby".

I sit up in bed as a shirtless Giovanni switches the lights on.

"I didn't mean to keep bother you. But it was super cold at first and I though I would be able to sleep finally. But then I got more scared because it's just so scary in here and I know I look like a baby but this room gives me the creeps for real. And-"

He comes over pulls me to his arms, "You're alright do you wanna sleep with the lights on?".

I bite my lip to keep from telling him what I wanted was to sleep with him.

"We can try that...I guess".

He let's go of me but I hold on tighter, " can hold me till I fall asleep?"

He kisses my forehead, switches off the lights and crawls in bed with me.

20 minutes pass and I drift to and from sleep. I am scared that he will leave me so I refuse to fall asleep.

"I'm still here Sophia".

I look up at him with tired eyes, "Don't leave me I'm scared".

He closes my eyelids with his hands and kisses them both, "I'll hold you until you wake up. I promise".

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