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Kenny growled as he looked at his crush across the room.

Tweek had probably come with his boyfriend, and that pissed him off. Kenny knew that Tweek hated parties, so the fact that Craig would take him to one made Kenny hate him more.

He took a deep breath and walked over to Tweek. "You wanna ditch?" He asked, looking down at the blonde.

"I'm w-waiting for Craig. He should be out any m-minute now." Tweek said, motioning to the bathroom. "Do you really wanna stay here with all the loud noises and drunk people?" Kenny said, crossing his arms.

Tweek shook his head. "F-fine, I'll text him and tell him I'm l-leaving with y-you."

Tweek pulled out his phone and followed Kenny to the car while texting his boyfriend. He got into the old truck and buckled his seatbelt before looking at Kenny.

The two had been friends for a few months. They had met when Kenny applied for a job interview at Tweek's parent's café and he started working with Tweek. They instantly bonded about boy problem since both of them were gay.

Kenny started up the car and pulled out of the diveway. "Where are we going?" Tweek asked. "My house. You can spend the night if you want."

Tweek nodded and looked out the window. The truth was that he had a huge crush on Kenny ever since they were kids, but he never really acted on it until Kenny got a job at his dads Café.

The drive was short and silent, and soon they pulled into Kenny's driveway. "My parents are out of town with Karen, so we have the place to ourselves." Kenny said.

Tweek nodded again. He had never really been alone with Kenny outside of work, so he didn't really know what to do. At work they would talk about customers and boy problems, but what would they talk about now?

Kenny opened the door for the shorter boy and followed in after. Kenny led Tweek to his room and Tweek let out a loud. "ACK!" When he entered.
Other than a few lewd posters, Kenny's room wasn't at all the sex dungeon people said it was.

Kenny sat down on the bed and took off his parka. Tweek turned red. Kenny was ripped. He didn't have a shirt on under the parka, so Tweek got a great view of Kenny's abs.

He quickly turned away. "THIS IS WAY TOO MUCH PRESSURE!!!" He screamed.

"What? What's too much pressure?" Kenny asked, standing up.


Kenny shook his head. "I'm not going to fuck you."


Kenny took a deep breath. If he was ever gonna say this, he had to say it now.

"Well he doesn't deserve your love."

Tweek looked up at Kenny, shocked that he would say such a thing.

"A piece of shit like Craig doesn't deserve an angle like you. You deserve so much more."

Tweek began to tear up. This wasn't happening.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2019 ⏰

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