Chapter 1

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I swept the dusty floors of my grandmothers cafe. The birch wood of the floors had old cracks and the wall had pink floral wallpaper slowly peeling off, but it never stopped customers from coming in daily. It didn't look quite different from the rest of the dull England shops, but once you step inside, you can easily tell it's like no other place.
The atmosphere, the ambiance, it was colorful and lively and smelled strongly of warm pastries. We didn't serve much food but we were pretty famous for our soup and crumpets. My grandmother is getting weaker and weaker as the days past by, when she dies I hope to continue working here just for her. My dream is to open a small cafe in Paris. Though, I'm not so good with speaking french. But I can just imagine it now : a little cafe surrounded with Gardenias and roses! Painted white with the same pink floral wallpaper and birch wood floor. Ah yes~ so beautiful! And the inside would be decorated wi- "HEY" Im inturupted by a yelling man. I awaken from my daydream an shake my head. I look up to a tall, handsome, angry, man. "So are you going to take my order or what?!" He yells. I nervously gulp and ask what he'd like. Crumpets. I walked back over to him with a plate of warm crumpets with honey. He took it and ran! That Bitch!! He didn't even pay! I jumped over the counter and ran out the door. I breathe heavily. Damn he's fast. I see his cloak fly by the corner he ran around. I run over to him to see that he's stopped running? Strange man. So are you going to pay me or wha- once again he inturupted me by covering my mouth with his hand . He pulls me away with him shushes me.  Oh now what?! We are behind a building and he uncovers my mouth just for me to scream again. He angrily glares at me and snaps his fingers. Then after I remember nothing.

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