Chapter 21: The Trial Part 1

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*two weeks later*
(Damien P.O.V)

It wasn't easy confessing what I had done to my father. I had been sitting in the cell for almost two weeks awaiting my trial. The judge was away visiting family and I had to wait for the family lawyer to return back to town as well.

The smell of must and urine filled my senses the whole time. But my thoughts revolved around Samuel the whole time. He couldn't come and visit me none because he was ordered to remain on my grounds until it was said if I was to be removed of all charges or charged and sent away. If I was sent away then he would be sent to another slave auction and placed with a new family.

My lawyer was returning today and the judge was returning tomorrow. For now all I could do was sit on my bed made of wood and hay and wait. It was nice though. I was all alone the whole time besides Sheriff Banks. He was a nice man and talked to me rather than ignore me. He asked what had brought all this on and I told him my story from beginning to the end. He wasn't a stupid man.

"I noticed he spent little time at home and more time at the saloons and with saloon women." he said. I was happy at least someone noticed. Even happier it was the Sheriff.

"Will you tell them that then? I know I am in the wrong for what I did sir; I know that. But everyone is going to believe I am an ungrateful son when I am not. I was never ungrateful just scared and angry." I pleaded to him. He stared at me long and hard. He knew it all. From my beatings to my lessons.

"Let me think on it son. I need time to process what you told me. I believe you though son. I'll talk to the judge." he replied and got up and left me alone again.

At the evening time my lawyer finally arrived.

"Good evening Mr. Ryans how are you?" I asked him.

"I am just fine Damien. Better than you I can see." he laughed and I had to laugh too. He always had a wicked sense of humor.

"Now down to business. Please, tell me your story from beginning to end. Do not leave out a single detail. This is not going to be a easy case son and we can't afford to leave out anything or you could lose." He opened his breif case and retreived his paper and pen. I leaned my head againist the bars and started.

"From my earliest memory it all started with my mother. After her death he moved onto me. It was simple beatings. Then it became so much more..." I said. And for the third time in my life I told another person my life story.
-the next day-

It was the day of my trial. For the first time in two weeks I was escorted to a tub and able to bathe and clean myself. I was placed in a closed off black carriage and taken to the court house. The whole town lined the streets. It was quiet. There was no shouts of curses or damness. They just stood there quiet watching the carriage. I leaned up a little to peer out of the small square window. In the very back between two buildings watching from a far was Samuel. He raised his hand a fraction and waved.

I leaned back and closed my eyes.

"Please let me win. Please don't let me lose the one person who makes me whole. Who makes me feel at all. Please don't let me lose my love." I silently said to myself. I am afraid to get my hopes up to high but I have to hope for something. Anything.

It was a quick journey to the court house. I was escorted to the building and placed in the witness chair. The judge entered and everyone stood and then sat. The first person to question me was the lawyer defending my dead father.

"Damien; you say your father abused you since the death of your mother. Why during all of those years did you not come forward and tell someone?" he asked me.

"I thought no one would believe me. My father was a well known respected man around here. Everyone would have thought I was lying and being ungrateful. The whole town treated him like a God." I replied. Satisfied with my answer.

He though for a moment. He knew I was right.

"Even so. You never tried?" he asked.

"I had bruises on my face all the time. Why didn't anyone ask me?" I retorted. His questions were going around in circles.

"Nothing further your honor." he stated and sat down. My lawyer approached me next.

"Damien when did your abuse start?" he asked the same question.

"Right after the death of my mother." I replied.

"And how did the abuse start out?" he asked me.

"Simple beatings here and there. A few punches and slaps." I stated.

"And during that time. Did the abuse ever...esculate to anything more?" he asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Please. Tell us what happened." he said. I took a deep breathe and began.

"Around the time I started going through changes with my body. My father decided it was time to teach me to become...a man. It was time to go through lessons." I said.

"What exactly were those lessons Damien?" he asked.

"He would perform sexual acts on me. He would touch me and...go inside of me." I said. I was becoming very sick feeling thinking of it. It was like I was reliving the whole thing again.

"Did you at any time consent and want that done to you?" he asked me.

"Of course not. He was my father. Hebwas suppose to be the one person I could count on and instead he did all of that to me!" I was almost shouting.

"Calm down son. Damien, tell us what happened the day you killed your father." he said. I have to remember to be vague on what exactly happened that night.

"The night before I got up from my room and left. My father wasn't at home. He was rarely home before twelve anyways. I walked into the woods because I have a secret place I like to go to. It has a lake that I swim in. I went swimming for a while and got out. I must have fallen asleep and I woke up in a panic. I knew that if my father made it home and noticed I was gone all night I would receive the worst beating in my life. I rushed home and he was waiting for me. He slapped and punched me. He threw me againist the kitchen table and after that everything just slowed down. I just...broke. Everything that was building inside of me just...exploded I guess. I know what I did was wrong and it shouldn't have ended that way. But until it has happened to you. Any of you. Until you have gone through what I have you would never understand. The way you treat a person effects them. A person can only handle so much abuse and pain before they finally break. And that is what happened to me. I broke." I finally ended my speach.

The whole court room was silent. The judge. The lawyers. The jury. Everyone was quiet. My story and speach had affected everyone.

"The court will now be dismissed. The jury will make their final decision and we will meet here again tomorrow at 9. Court dismissed." the judge said.

HEEELLLLOOOO MY TWWWIIIIINKKKSSSS !!!!! :D this was first attempt ever at a court scene xD sorry if it was awful !! Lol. I hope yall are enjoying my story for it will be coming to an end soon :( ughhhh im going to miss it !! You never forget your first storryy.... Well i love you guys !!!!
Byyyeeeeeeeee ♡♡

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