I stand up and start putting my clothes on, "We'll cross that bridge when we get there."


"I'm not going to let your family die," I cut him off "If that's what you're asking."

He didn't say anything for a moment he just kept looking at me.

"Where are you going?"

"To breakfast."


"Because I'm hungry and Jackson is going to be furious if I skip breakfast again."

"Don't go."

I give him a small smile, "I'll see you later." I walked out the door slowly closing the door behind me.

I took a deep breath as I started walking towards the cafeteria. I know Aiden still thinks that I'm hiding something, which I am, but he's choosing to let it go because he knows he is going to find out eventually.

If anyone could break me emotionally it was and it was all a matter of time before he did.

I know Jackson would be angry if I told Aiden our plans because he might still be lying to me. This might still be all a game to him. I don't know anything anymore. I don't know what to believe.

I reach the cafeteria and walked the breakfast bar. I smelled the hot food they had and it made me nauseous. I couldn't think about food right now. So I grabbed a chocolate chip muffin and a bottle of orange juice. I make my way to an empty table to sit by myself like I usually do when I heard someone call my name. I turn around to see Bryan at a table waving me over.

"Over here doll face," he said gesturing me over.

I walk over to him and sit down in front of him. There was barley anyone in the cafeteria since it was close to the finals it was mostly staff workers.

Bryan raised his eyebrows at me, "That's all you're going to eat?"

I shrug, "I'm not that hungry."

"Fear can really make you loose an appetite," He says taking another bite of his eggs.

I scowled at him, "I'm not afraid."

"You should be," He tells me "You think this is going to be easy?"

"I don't expect this to be easy."

He smiles at me, "I like you already."

I take a bite of my muffin not really knowing what to say.

"Aiden knows I'm hiding something." I spit out. I knew Jackson would give me a lecture if I told him. I'm hoping Bryan isn't like that.

He kept a straight face, "Why do you think that?"

"Because I went to see him last night. I needed to know everything that he knew about my uncle. What he was planning and what he was going to do. I just needed to know." I tell Bryan

"And did he tell you anything useful?" He says with a bored tone.

"Nothing that I didn't already know."

Bryan chuckles a bit which makes me confused, "Aiden is manipulative. He always has been. He's getting into your head and making you worry. He's feeding bullshit."

"He said that my uncle threatened to kill his family if he didn't do this," I brought my voice down so barely anyone could hear us

"Bullshit," Bryan takes a sip of his coffee.

"You think he lie about something like that?"

Bryan sighs, "I'm not saying he's lying about that, but do you really think that's all your uncle offered him? Aiden's not stupid, he's greedy and stubborn like his father, but he isn't stupid?"

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