BTS Taehyung x Reader: Thunder

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So I made this scenario because I personally am terrified of thunderstorms and reading scenarios like this make me feel better whenever it starts to storm so this is for anyone else out there who has the same situation as me.

V x Reader

Word Count: 697

The loud sound that seemed to vibrate every fiber of your being suddenly woke you from your seemingly deep slumber. Frozen, you waited for the noise again, thinking that it was just a passing noise that would happen once and go away. There it was again however. The dreaded thunder that you hated so. Turning over the bed you found the warmth of the body sleeping soundly next to you in bed.

Oh how you envied the deep sleeping boy that you slept with. Your boyfriend, Kim Taehyung, wasn't bothered by the sound of thunder at all as he slept like a baby.Placing a hand on his cheek you lightly caressed it, wishing that he didn't have to go to work in the morning or else you would've woken him up. Carefully as to not him you grabbed your phone and earbuds and started to make your way out of the room and into the den. Plugging in your ears you blasted the sweet sound of Taehyung's voice in your ears as an attempt to drown out the loud booming of the thunder. Alas, it wouldn't work. No matter how deep and soothing Taehyung's voice was, it wouldn't cover the louder, merciless, and bone shaking thunder.

You tried everything to drown out the sound, turn the volume of the music all the way up, place your hands over the earbuds as an extra layer of protection, and even wrap a thick blanket around your head as well. All failed.

Then you suddenly felt warm hands laying themselves over yours. You looked behind you to see Taehyung standing over you.

"Are you ok?" He asked, a look of concern quickly covering his face. "Could you not sleep?"

"I'm fine. It's just the thu-" As you tried to explain a crack of thunder filled the air, causing you to let out a small scream and jump away from Taehyung.

Taehyung smiled slightly and walked over to you, wrapping his warm long arms around you and pulling you in close to him. Burying his head into your neck and kissing you he gently started to pull the earbuds out of your ears.

"Wh-what are you...?"

"Trust me." He whispered into your ear in his deep voice. As you sat there on the ground, back resting against Taehyung, he laid your head on his chest so the sound of his rhythmical heartbeat could calm your nerves of waiting for the next clap of thunder. "Seoreoun mameul moti gyeo

jammotdeuldeon eodun bameul ddo gyeon digo."

You closed your eyes as you heard the lyrics of "Hug Me" slip through his lips. He knew it was your favorite song and can calm you down in what seems like no time. And he was right. The deep rumbling of his voice mixed with his heartbeat was enough to distract you from the thunder that was going on around the two of you.

Taehyung could feel your body relax in his arms so he picked you up, continued to sing to you, and carried you back to the room you two shared. Placing you down in the bed first, he made sure all the covers were straightened around you before laying down next to you and pulling you close to him. Cuddling up to his warm body you placed your head on his chest to hear his strong heartbeat once again. His fingers lightly ran through your hair, picking up a few strands and twirling them before letting them fall back to join the rest.

"I love you Y/N." Taehyungs deep voice whispered in your ear.

"I love you too Taetae." Smiling up at him you pulled yourself closer, entangling your legs with his and wrapping an arm around his waist. He smiled back down at you and continued to sing to you. Singing "Hug Me", "Let Me Know", and "Hold Me Tight" as the thunder slowly rumbled away into the distance.

Taehyung looked down at you as the last of the lyrics slipped past his tongue to see you sleeping peacefully. "Sleep well Y/N." He whispered to himself as he relaxed into the pillow and followed you into a deep slumber. 

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