T o p i c : Contradicting Characters

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Topic: Contradicting Characters

Hello there fellow Wattpad member! ^O^

I’d like you to meet my character; her name is Mary – last name Sue. I’d like to tell you a few things about Mary.


•                 Shy

•                 Quiet

•                 Loner

•                 Clumsy

•                 Weird


•                 5”4

•                 Long wavy blonde hair down to her hips

•                 Eyes: Crystal clear, with flecks of green and grey

•                 High cheek bones, heart shaped face, freckles across the bridge of her nose

•                 Body build: Thin but “curvy in the right places”.

•                 Skin complexion: Clear and pale.

Social life: People attempt talking to her, but she ignores them. She gets invited places but she doesn’t go. She has friends but doesn’t really care. She’s supposed to be an outcast, but everyone is always coming up to her and trying to get her to hang out with them.

Conclusion: Let’s be realistic guys. People with these looks… don’t get ignored. If we’re going to makes characters that aren’t popular, don’t give them the popular girls looks, and we all know that whole transition thing (which will be it’s on topic). Mary Sue’s are just characters that are lazily thought up by authors who want it to seem like there’s some struggle going on in the Main Characters life, without having to go through some heavy drama. Which can be kind of annoying – wait not kind of, very! Like, seriously… what’s up with the contradicting characters? Beautiful but alone? – Okay, you can be beautiful and alone, but can I at least get a good reason why they’re unpopular? 

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