"You're not an asshole," Niall gave her a knowing look making her chuckle and shrug. "okay maybe you kinda are but it's okay I forgave you even before you said sorry. I can't stay mad at you Niall." Alice looked down at their hands as she spoke, Niall knew Alice was always quick to forgive him and half the time he knew that he didn't really deserve for her to give it to him so easily, this was one of those times.

"I don't deserve ya, I act like ya gotta always be available for me whenever I call yet I don't do da same for you." Alice felt a small lump form in her throat as Niall spoke the truth that she'd known all along. "M'gonna get better, I promise ya love." Niall gave her hands a little squeeze making Alice finally look up and into his eyes as he gave her a smile.

"Don't give up on me Alice." This made Alice chuckle as she rolled her eyes as Niall brought her hands to his lips giving them a little kiss making Alice's cheeks turn a little pink as she slipped them out of his grasp.

"Haven't given up on you yet Horan so why would I now?" She stared as she unbuckled herself and opened the car door making Niall just sit there for a moment with a silly grin on his face as he watched her walk around to the front of his car towards the restaurant. It wasn't until she looked over her shoulder and waved him over that he snapped out of his little trance and got out of the car himself, locking it as he joined her at the front door of the cafe.

"No I don't feel like going out tonight Viv," Alice spoke into the phone as she unlocked her front door, after a nice lunch with Niall she found herself not really being able to concentrate so she figured she deserved to call it a day and go home early. Vivian on the other hand wanted to go out and spend some time checking out this new wine bar that opened up a block from Vivian's apartment. "I want to have a relaxing night in with my Netflix and new heated blanket." Alice added making Vivian let out a groan as Alice entered her apartment.

"Fine be lame, but don't lie we both know at some point tonight Niall will manage to make his way over and you two will be cuddled on the couch asleep before midnight." Alice laughed as she entered the kitchen and placed her mail onto the island as she slipped off her shoes.

"Bye Viv! Let me know how the wine bar is." Vivian just let out a huff making Alice laugh.

"Bye, I'll be sure to send you a ridiculous amount of snapchats. Love you!" Alice reciprocated the love you before hanging up the phone and placing it on the island next to her stack of mail.

"Let's see what we have here," Alice mumbled as she began sorting her mail that mostly consisted of bills and junk mail. "What in the world?" She looked at the magazine and felt her eyes go wide when she saw it was a bridal magazine. She picked it up and shook her head when she saw who's name was on the bottom right corner, "Vivian Maxine, of course." She laughed as she flipped the magazine open and saw it was full of dresses and venue options.

Alice soon found herself on the couch with the bridal magazine opened and sticky notes sticking out of the side to mark pages that had something she liked on it. She couldn't imagine herself wearing half the gowns in the magazine, way too fancy for her taste and she didn't even know if she'd actually need one since this whole proposal thing was still just an idea she hadn't really began planning for. She was in the middle of reading a page all about the different fabrics for bridesmaids dresses when she heard a knock at her door. Alice groaned as she placed the magazine under her arm while she headed for the front door.

"Hey love, fancy some company?" Alice felt her eyes go wide as she opened the door to reveal Niall standing there in some basketball shorts and a t shirt. She was quick to toss the magazine onto her table that she kept her keys and purse on by the front door.

"Uh sure, come on in." She smiled at him as she moved to the side so he could enter the apartment, he looked at her with a confused expression as he tried to get a peak of what she just tossed to the side but Alice was quick to grab his hand and head for the living room after closing her front door.

"You okay petal?" Alice just nodded as she plopped down onto the couch with Niall quick to do the same, he dropped an arm over her shoulder so she could cuddle closer to his side. "I saw dat they added another season of Stranger Tings, wanna watch it?" Alice didn't have the heart to tell him she'd already watched it the day they added it so she just nodded as he grabbed her tv remote.

"Don't get all scared on me Niall," she teased as he got it all set up on the tv. "know these demigorgans can be scary, but don't worry I'll protect you." Niall laughed as he pulled her closer to him so she was now resting her head on his chest.

"Good ta know." With that the two of them spent the rest of the evening watching and for Alice rewatching Stranger Things until eventually Alice fell asleep, Niall couldn't help but feel as if butterflies were coming alive in his tummy as he looked down at Alice peacefully sleeping with her head on his chest and one of her hands fisting his t shirt. He shook the feeling off as just being happy to see her after a week away as he snuggled down deeper into her couch and hit play so the next episode began to play. "Missin all the good parts love." He mumbled as he leaned down and kissed the top of her head making a small smile form on her sleeping face causing Niall to grin as one of his hands began playing with her hair as he mindlessly watched the show not really paying attention to anything other than the way her hair felt as it slid between his fingers and the steady rhythm of her heartbeat.

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