Chapter 46- 525,600 Minutes

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And in ten minutes, they were pulling up to headquarters, which was oddly empty. Ciara knew it wouldn't be as full on the weekend, but it was still an odd sight to see a building usually bustling with activity so empty, with only an occasional person here and there. Akilah sighed, grabbed her brown bottle, and exited the car, Ciara quickly following her. She watched as Akilah took a drink from the brown bottle, the color of the bottle reflecting what was inside of it. Akilah had found she had trouble drinking just water all day. She had to have something flavored. And that was when she had rediscovered her love of tea.

Well, that's not the only thing she's in love with, Ciara thought with a mental smile. When Ciara was hanging out with Reid, Akilah was usually with Morgan, and when Akilah came back smiling every time, it made Ciara happy. She was glad that Akilah had found someone in her life, even if only the two women and Morgan knew about it. Maybe one day they'd tell the rest of the team. But for now, Ciara was content with being the secret-keeper of Akilah and Morgan's relationship. As long as Akilah and Morgan didn't do anything to get them found out, the secret would stay secret.

Akilah and Ciara walked into the bullpen, but no one else was there. The two women looked at each other, but then Ciara noticed a piece of paper on her desk that didn't belong. Like Reid, Ciara kept her desk neat and tidy, so something out of place meant that someone had messed with her desk. She walked over and picked up the piece of paper, seeing that they were instructions to go to the round table room. She raised an eyebrow, before realizing that they had to put it on Ciara's desk so it would get noticed. If they put it on Akilah's desk, it would get lost. She wasn't exactly messy, but she wasn't as neat and calculated as Ciara was.

Ciara told Akilah about the note, and she looked up at the round table room, but neither of them could see anything from their angle. They'd simply have to go up to the round table room to find out what was going on. Akilah, as always, took the lead, Ciara following closely behind her. They walked to the entrance of the round table room, and Akilah took a deep breath, just in case what was on the other side wasn't pleasant. But what was on the other side actually was pleasant.

"Hey guys!" Morgan said when they entered the room. Ciara and Akilah looked around, both of them confused. They weren't exactly sure what was going on. It looked like a party, but there weren't any decorations. Everyone was there, even Hotch. Ciara could see drinks and snacks, and Reid was walking over to them. Reid handed Ciara a cup, and Ciara looked inside to see it was lemonade. Her favorite.

"Where's mine?" Akilah asked, and Reid looked over at her and shrugged.

"Unfortunately, evolution has only granted me two hands, so I can only hold two cups at a time, and this one is mine," Reid answered, and Akilah sighed. However, that was when Morgan walked over, handing her a cup.

"Well, at least someone cares about me!" Akilah exclaimed, and everyone laughed a little bit. Well, except for Hotch, but it took a lot to get him to smile, let alone laugh.

"So, uh, can I ask what's going on?" Ciara asked.

"Well, we have something to celebrate!" JJ said, and Ciara raised an eyebrow.

"We do? What would that be?" she asked.

"You and Akilah have put up with our madness for exactly a year now. Most people would have run away screaming by now," Morgan said, and Akilah smiled.

"Do you do this for everyone every year?" Ciara asked, and Morgan shrugged.

"Nah. It's kind of 1, 5, 10, 15 kind of thing. But we're not here to talk about that. We're here because we've known each other for exactly 365 days," Morgan answered.

"Well, technically..." Ciara started, but Morgan shushed her.

"We're not counting those few days because you weren't part of the BAU then," he interjected, and Ciara shrugged, taking a drink of her lemonade. Garcia came over to her, holding out some cookies. Ciara took one and took a bite, before smiling.

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