Chapter 7

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Error and Fresh walked out of the place as they graduated today and had there bags already put in there cars "I'll contact you soon okay? I don't wanna lose you.." Error mumbled as fresh gave him a reassuring smile as he hugged error "you won't lose me broski!" He said as error hugged him back, nuzzling into his chest "I'm gonna miss you." Error said, hugging fresh tightly "I'm gon miss you too broski!" Fresh replied, picking him up, holding him up as error smiled as they then kissed passionately. Nightmare and the gang came by as they chuckled "get a room you two" cross joked "you did the same thing dunbass!" Horror yelled as cross chuckled embarrassed. Error and Fresh then broke as fresh put him down "bye broski! Seeya whenever!" Fresh chuckled, Error bit his lip "come with me then, you can stay with me for a few days and just... stay until your parents or parent wants you home." Error complained, fresh smiled still "alrighty broski, I'm followin you, outer will be with me though" fresh said "so we'll need ta drop him off" fresh said "same with these idiots" error said pointing at the gang.

Skip the driving part

Error got out of the car as fresh pulled up behind him smiling in the drive way as fresh got out "do youu.. live with anyone broski?" Fresh asked smiling, putting his hands in his pocket "yeah, I live with my dad, I don't think he'll care about us" error said as fresh nodded. Error grabbed his luggage out of the car and went into the house with fresh "heya dad" error said as virus was on the couch chillin "You're back already?" He asked "I guess so" error said walking near him with fresh "did you fix my car yet?" He asked as virus looked at him "yeahh" He groaned as error nodded walking towards the stairs "who's that?" Virus asked pointing at fresh "sup bruh!!" Fresh waved, as virus was already disgusted "he's my boyfriend, fresh" error said like it wasn't anything special as virus choked "finally!! But- egh, he's.... colorful... Nightmare would've been better." Virus said laughing as error blushed "nightmare is retarded! Fresh is nice to me!" He groaned running up the stairs as fresh chuckled running after him.

He went into his room groaned and sitting on his bed "welcome to my room" he said "make yourself comfy I guess" error said, fresh chuckled "this is insane bruh..." He took his glasses off looking at his covered walls with posters and pictures, his tilted ceiling, his house was huge and his room was huge "yeah it's weird, I don't know why my dad bought such a huge house for only two people, i mean I did have a brother but, he moved out." He said as fresh nodded understanding "same with my brother, cray" he said looking at the pictures sitting on the bed.

(For those of you wondering who tf errors brother is, in my story/au his brother is gradient)

Error held fresh's hand as fresh held his hand back "You have a safe little town my dude, I like it, it ain't loud like the city bruh" fresh commented "yeah, it is pretty nice here, do you.... wanna live with us.? The house is huge, your boyfriend is here, meaning me of course, my dad is mostly at work or the bar all the time..." error blushed as fresh blinked looking at him "I would love to!!!" Fresh smiled in excitement "but, is it okay with your dad?" He asked, error shrugged "HEY DAD!!" Error yelled, waiting a small second as they both heard footsteps come up with stairs, as virus walked in the room "what!?" Virus asked "can fresh live with us?" He asked as virus shrugged "I don't give a shit, as long as he doesn't snore, eat like a damn pig, and he does some damn chores." Virus said "okay bruh!" Fresh smiled as virus walked out closing the door.

Skip a few hours

Fresh came back with a truck just filled with 4 boxes "I lived in an apartment in the city bruh!" Fresh smiled as error nodded "we can share a room or you can have one of empty rooms we never use" error said "what do you prefer baby?" Fresh asked, error chuckled "uhm, if it means you being next to me every night then fuck, stay in my room!" He said smiling as fresh chuckled "okay!"

They grabbed boxes and put it in errors room as error went through the stuff "You can hang some of your posters up, my room stays dark until I'm fully awake and fully active! Do not wake me up if you wake up early in the morning! I also sleep talk." Error said as fresh nodded "righto broski!" He said smiling as error opened his boxes for him.

Fresh put up 2 'fresh' posters as fresh put his stuff on his side's night stand as he sighed tiredly "You can take a nap" error said sitting on the bed "oh that would be great...!" Fresh chuckled as error nodded as fresh quickly fell asleep somehow, error rolled his eyes and snuggled close to him and fell asleep as well.

Loving You!~ [ErrorFresh FanFic] [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now