Chapter5. Always do the side quests

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Tomura hated mandatory stealth missions, sneaking about and observing heroes bored him and his current perch with Kurogiri atop a block of flats overlooking the junkyard beach. He'd rather be recruiting new party members to help him achieve the highest score possible and kill the final end boss, All-Might.

His boredom slowly began to morph into frustration at the sight of the heroes hiding around the junkyard beach, those heroes were nothing but optional bosses really extra EXP to help him and his eventual party level up enough to kill All-Might. Tomura's frustration was further increased by the sight of All-Might being present, it was such a tease for the final boss to be present on an optional side quest like this yet there he was just standing there waiting for something. Tomura could not figure out why he was here, from what Sensei had told him when he had requested both he and Kurogiri spy on what was happening, it was a Monarch operation involving quirk research.

That was something else Tomura could not understand what was Sensei's obsession with Monarch and the quirks they researched, Tomura knew that if we wanted Sensei could simply take any quirk he desired from anyone. With a growl of irritation, Tomura began scratching at the skin of his neck watching as the scientists activated some odd device that began emitting a strange noise towards the sea. 

"This isn't giving us any useful information," Tomura dismissively said, his patience for continuing to observe what was going on having reached its end. "Let's get out of here Kurogiri."

"I believe Sensei wanted you to stay until the end." Kurogiri calmly explained, only to receive an irritated grunt in response, like his younger charge Kurogiri had no idea what Sensei wanted them to witness or what information he wanted to be gathered about this Monarch operation. He had alluded to Kurogiri that it would likely be something Tomura would want to see, the man had not been wrong about such things in the past so Kurogiri would make sure Tomura would remain until the end of whatever was going on. Unless things became a threat to both their lives, then he would warp them both to safety and deal with the fall out likely to be generated from doing so.

They were not kept waiting long, His eyes widening on a mixture of shock and glee at something so powerful emerging from the ocean only to make its way towards All-Might and the others on the pier, Tomura had never seen such a creature of pure power a woman that simply oozed strength and indifference, a titan among mortals. He was awestruck, was this a hidden bonus character one that would only appear if certain conditions were met, right now that didn't matter when compared to what possibilities this bonus character represented.

Tomura was hopeful such a force of nature was recruitable, if he could bring her onto his side then it would make the final boss battle so much easier for him. But how to go about recruiting such a destructive character, Tomura began to feverishly scratch at his neck as he watched what was happening. Raising a pair of binoculars Tomura watched as a green-haired woman stepped forward and held something up towards the titan, as he watched he moved between staring at the woman and titan wondering what was going on. His question was answered as he watched the Titan begin to shrink, her face losing its scowl as she stared at the woman.

Was there a connection between the woman and this titan, Tomura assumed there could be, perhaps this was how he could recruit the Titan to join his party if he had the green-haired woman then it would be so much easier to recruit the titan. Yes, he'd have to get his hands on the woman that was the takeaway from this mission, a plan to recruit someone that looked like they had the sheer force to destroy anything in their path.

His plan seemed viable right up to the point a jet of fire bathed both the green-haired woman and the titan's outstretched hand, whipping his gaze to where the fire had originated from Tomura left out a frustrated growl at who he saw. Endeavor the number two Pro hero, a hero who was just simply an optional side boss and not even one who would offer more than a few experience points when killed. 

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