She's the girl on his Instagram page. His girlfriend? Watching her and Jamari interact surprisingly looked...genuine. But this nigga just cheated. She noticed me and smiled widely.
"You have a girlfriend! Oh my gosh, I've missed a lot. Really big bro, you didn't tell me. Gosh she's so pretty ". Okay I'm confused. She's his sister? Somehow I felt relieved.
"Hi I'm Tania" the girl smiled and stretched out her hand for me to shake.
"Hi, I'm Luna. And sorry to disappoint you, but I'm just your brothers cook, nothing more. " I shook her hand and rolled my eyes at Jamari who was too consumed in eating his breakfast.
"Awww. Believe me, if he loves your food, you've won his heart" Tania winked causing me to giggle. She was a nice girl. I liked her already.
"Would you like some waffles?" I asked her as she took a seat beside Jamari, trying to steal some fruit from his plate.
"Yes please, if you don't mind. Jamari doesn't wanna share with me." She playfully pinched his cheek, causing him to shake his head. They were cute siblings. After breakfast , Tania kept me company. She was really cool. We got to know each other more.
"He's just so good at being annoying " I told Tania referring to Jamari. Age giggled while shaking her head.
"Jamari can be a handful. But he's an awesome person when you get to know him. He's been through a lot" Tania replied in a sad tone.
"That's what Rameek said. " At the mention of Rameeks name, I noticed Tania blush. I gasped and put my palm over my lips.
"Are you and Rameek a thing? "
"What? No. We just kinda have a connection I guess. Ughh. " I laughed at her shyness. They probably liked each other.
"Aww, don't be shy girl. Love is a beautiful thing ya know" She looked at me weirdly.
"What? "
"Are you sure you and my brother don't
secretly have feelings for each other? "
"Huh? Not at all. Come on. We're not for each other, even if something was going on " Tania laughed before sipping some of her milk shake.
"Why do you say so. "
"I'm not his type. Ya know, sophisticated and stuff" Tania scrunches her eyebrows while starring hard at me.
"Girl you are everything Jamari needs believe me" I laughed nervously at her statement. My heart was doing back flips.
"I'm about to head out for practice. Won't be back until dinner time." We heard Jamari say as he came down stairs looking hella fine.
I nodded at him and watched as Tania went over to whisper something into Jamari's ear. He shook his head before giving her his credit card.
He looked at me before heading out.
"You and I, are gonna go shopping this afternoon." Tania informed me causing me to smile real hard.
"Can I invite my best friend? "
"Sure girl! "


Practice was hectic today. Sean is just tryna piss me off so bad. I wanna pinch him so bad, but Rameek stops me, considering the fact that coach could make me sit out our upcoming game.
I'm gonna deal with his ugly ass later.

Finally, practice is over. I'm tired as hell.
"Yo Meek!" I called out after seeing him come out of the locker room.
"Sup bruh"
"I'm about to head home. Tania's in town by the way." I smirked at him tryna tease him
"Shut up liar" He punched on my shoulder.
"For real bruh. She came in yesterday, came over to my place today." I see Rameek bite on his bottom lip. I laughed at his facial expression. This nigga was falling, but he didn't wanna accept the fact.
"Whatever. Tell her I'm gonna come scoop her for a ride soon" Rameek said while licking on his lip.
"Aiit bruh. I'm out. "
I entered my ride and left for home. Getting home, I could hear laughter coming from the game room.
Quietly, walking in. The sight of Luna nearly made me choke on my spit. Damn.

While I was still drooling over Luna's fine self without her noticing me, big mouth Tania had to speak

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While I was still drooling over Luna's fine self without her noticing me, big mouth Tania had to speak.
"Jah, you're home. I definitely missed you " Rolling my eyes at her I hugged her anyway. Luna came down from the pool table. I was starring at her. She looked away and blushed.
"Hey, uhm...your dinner is in the microwave." I nodded at her and watched her walk out of the game room. Waist looking snatched, ass looking-
"You like that girl nigga!" Tania's loud ass punched my chest. She just had to snap me outta my thoughts.
"No I don't. Don't test me Tania" she rolled her eyes before carrying her purse and many shopping bags. She handed me my card and kissed my cheeks when we had gotten down stairs.
"Don't deny yourself of good things big bruh. " Tania whispered into my ear.
"Bye bro. Love you! "
"Love you too"
"Oh yeah, nana said you better come see her." I did have my nana tho. I nodded at  Tania as she walked over to give Luna a hug while whispering something into her ear. Luna's eyes widened and her cheeks became rosy. Tania must have said some stupid shit. She finally left and i could have my dinner in peace. I watched Luna arrange the kitchen while I ate. She had some shopping bags close to her purse. She must have shopped with Tania.
"I'd be heading out now. See you tomorrow. " Luna said while gathering her stuff.
"Aiit. Bye" I said to her as I watched her walk out of the kitchen. I heard the main door shut meaning she has left.
Well here I am. Alone, again. This house be too quiet. I would have called the boys over, but I just wanted so. E quiet chill time.
I looked out the window and noticed it had started raining hard. I headed upstairs to go shower. I turned on the shower. Waiting for the water to get hot.
I brushed my teeth for the night and went back into my room to retrieve my phone. It wasn't there.
"Must be downstairs. " I headed downstairs to get my phone, but the banging of my main door caught my attention. I went over and swung it open, wondering who was here when it was raining so heavily.
"Luna? "
She was soaked up. Damn, how could you look so hot drenched in so much water.
"So sorry to bother you, but it started raining and I tried calling an uber only to find out my phone had died. You won't mind me staying until the rain stops would you? " How can I refuse her fine ass.
"No problem at all. Come in. " I stepped aside to let her walk in.
"Come on, you need to get outta those clothes." She nodded and followed behind me. Reaching my room, I walked into my walk in closet to get some sweat pants and a long sleeved shirt for Luna.
"You can shower and put this on. Just put your clothes over there, and I'd put em in the drier". She looked at me shocked. What?  A nigga can't be nice?.
"Thanks a lot Jamari"
"No problems " with that I excused her,leaving her alone in my room and headed downstairs.
I got into the kitchen and made some hot choco  for Luna. I mean, she must be cold right?
I headed back to my room and placed
the hot choco on my night stand. I could hear the shower running. I badly wanted to open that door.
Heading back into the living room, I turned on the tv. I didn't focus on what was showing on tv. I was stuck on my phone. Ever since Luna like one of my photos and I followed her, I couldn't stay away from her ig page. She had some angles tho. I went through my phone and decided to post a picture I had taken earlier today. Likes and comments started flooding in. Janice was the first to comment. This bitch would never learn.
"Hey" I looked up and noticed Luna was now in the living room with me. She wore my shirt perfectly.
"I'm done. Thanks a lot. And thanks for the hot choco too. I love it" she smiled at me before taking a sip.
"It's cool" She sat beside me on the couch, and I just loved that she now had my scent all over her.
"I might not wanna give this shirt back" Luna said giggling. I chuckled and let her know she can keep it.
"The pants didn't fit "
"Really?  With all that ass you've got" Luna's eyes widened before she punched my arm. She was blushing real hard.
"You have a lot of products for a guy"
I shrugged at her statement.
"This handsomeness has to be maintained girl " Luna let out a bubbly laughter. Looking at her. I couldn't help but to admire her. She's beautiful.
"You're one proud fool" I ignored her response.
"The rain is getting even heavier. I would have taken you home, but I don't like to drive on the rain" She's not gonna know it's a lie if I don't say so.
"No problem. Hopefully it stops soon"
"And if it doesn't? " she nervously played with her nicely done nails.
"You won't mind if I spent the night would you? " she asked avoiding eye contact with me.
"Nah, so far you're good company " I messed with her as she playfully rolled her eyes
"Thank you " she murmured. She kept on yawning. Must be sleepy.
"Let's go watch tv in my room. I'd take a shower and join you " we both headed to my room.
"You can get comfortable on the bed"
"What?  No thank you. I don't know what skin disease you hoe left on your sheets. I'm not about to get infected."
"Shut up. I changed my sheets." She rolled her eyes before sitting at the edge of the bed. How petty.
"Put a movie on, lemme shower real quick" I turned around and she had already gotten cozy on my bed. I shook my head at her before walking into the bathroom.
Getting out of the shower, I find Luna fast asleep in my bed. She slept like a little kid.
"Pretty ass Luna. Thought you wasn't gonna get on my bed. Look at your ass asleep now." I murmured in the process of admiring her pretty face. After putting on some shorts, I got under the covers. Beside Luna. I was about to have an awesome dream tonight.

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