My Dog Ate My Homework

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If you're a John Wick fan maybe you should skip this one.

The digestive system is an amazing thing. A human's stomach acid can dissolve certain metals but what is more impressive is a dog's stomach which works like a black hole. Almost anything that enters a dog never comes out and if it is, it's in the form of droppings. 

This reason is exclusive to only school but I will still go over it since it's a classic. Now, I'm not a vet and I don't own a dog but that doesn't matter as this is not really that serious. What I do know is that dogs can't consume everything and come out fine. An example is uranium and as we all know the dog dies.

A dog can consume paper with led written on it but that chance is actually quite low as the dog probably has other interesting things to chew. The only reason the dog would eat consume your homework is if there was nothing for the dog to chew. It is also important to note what type of homework the dog ate.

If the dog consumed one sheet of paper, the creature would be fine and your sheet would be non existent. If it was a few documents the creature would be lying on the floor and your documents would be in shreds. If it was a project or a model of some sorts than your dog would either be lying on the floor while being constipated or lying on the floor while being dead. In this case you do have evidence that your beloved pet has ate your homework and you should be out of the woods... until it's time for the funeral.

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