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Hello, I decided to publish every Story that I've written including this one. Please don't leave any negative comments after all I was around 13 - 14 years when I started writing this and English is obviously not my first language. I hope this one shot isn't too cringe but I'm way to embarrassed to even read it again.

(Y/n) was a skilled student of the Shingen-ryu School and had the same master as Zushi. The both always practiced together even if the female had more fighting experience. The two we're getting along well . When Master Wing instructed Zushi to reach the 200th floor , he told his other student to watch her little friend closely. You see she has already reached the 200th floor one year ago and even defeated four men. After she passed her deadline she was disqualified but she couldn't care less.

Right now the girl was watching a fight between a very muscular man and a green/black haired boy. She weren't surprised when the smal boy sent his opponent flying into a wall with his flat hand. He was a really popular fighter and this victory would bring him to the next floor, in his case floor 200th. Right after the referee announced the winner , the next fighters were called on the stage. Among them was a certain white haired boy, who (y/n) was pretty interested in. Of course she was too shy to talk to him and it was kind of scaring that he was a member of the famous Zoldyck Family, but still watching him couldn't hurt , right ?

It was unbelievable how fast he defeated his opponent and now he advanced to the 200th floor just as his friend. Every time the (h/c) girl watched him fight her admiration for him growth. Since the day she first saw him she couldn't take her (e/c) eyes off him. He was really cute but also handsome and she really wanted to touch his snow white hair to see if it was as soft as it looked. Master Wing had brought the boys to his house once after Zushi used his Ren in a Battle against Killua whereupon he wanted to know more about Nen. Unfortunately the girl was visiting her friend at this time so she hasn't met them yet.

"(Y/n), aren't you supposed to watch Zushis fights ?", asked suddenly someone right behind her. Slowly she turned around to see the one and only Master Wing standing there with his arms crossed.   "Oh umm, I thought his fight was later" she answered nervously, hoping he would buy this lame excuse."No, it's already over but you were too busy watching Killua." She blushed as even her Master noticed her growing interest in the boy and lowered her head , too ashamed to look him in the eyes. A small sight escaped his lips as he looked at the monitors. " It's ok, could you look after Zushi and take him to my place? I want him to train his ten and maybe you can do that too." " Of course, i will go look for him but what about y-" Before she could even finish her question the man was gone.

Shrugging she went back where she thought Zushi would be.She saw him in the distance but what made her heart speed up was, between who he was standing. She stopped in her tracks and observed them closely. They were just talking about anything funny but they were also walking in her direction. Shaking her head to come back to reality she slowly made her way over to the three boys.

As Zushi noticed the girl standing there , his eyes lit up. „ (Y/n), you are here ! Did you see my fight ? Oh wait. Killua , your fight was at the same time as mine, right ? Then she must have watched yours. You know she always watches your fi-" „ ANYWAY, I'm here to tell you to go back to Master Wings House. He wants us to train." Her cheeks turned red as the younger boy told Killua about her interest she had taken in him.

" Oh, are you a friend of Zushi ? I'm Gon. It's nice to meet you" , the boy showed her his brightest smile. " And I'm Killua but I think you already know that." He winked at the poor girl , whose face turned even redder. " We are going too. Come on, Gon. We have to sign in for the 200th floor. See you two later." The ex assassine turned around and went to the elevator while waving. His friend said his goodbyes and ran after Killua.

" You're face is all red, (Y/n)." Zushi chuckled. " Tell me something I don't know." The female crossed her arms and started to walk back. You know, because the two students didn't live nearby the heavens arena Master Wing invited them to sleep in his guest room. Sharing a room with Zushi wasn't exactly what (Y/n) expected but it wasn't as bad as it sounded. They could make a pillow fight or talk all night. Sometimes Wing came in to tell them to be quiet but that was kind of useless. He even got a pillow right in the face as he stepped in the room. Oh you can image how that ended.

Anyway back to the story. The unique pair walked back to their masters place where they immediately started to train. Knowing that the girl would rather talk than practice, the little boy started speaking: „ You know, they are showing some videos of old fights on tv in the rooms. I saw one of yours with Killua and let's say he was really amazed by your skills." Her jaws dropped. Did she hear him right ? Killua was amazed? " You're kidding, right ? There's no way that he would be impressed by me."

" Believe what you want but I'm telling you the truth. Well I guess you don't want to know what he said afterwards." He smirked a bit as he heard the girl whine. " Tell me, maybe then I'll believe you." He shakes his head , teasing the girl even more. " You can be so mean sometimes." Both bursted out laughing until they heard the door open , expecting their master so they pretended to have trained the whole time. Surprisingly he didn't come alone.

„ I'm guessing you both know Killua and Gon already but they are here to train together", announced the older man and disappeared again. (Y/N) didnt know what to do now. She wouldn't be able to concentrate the whole time the boy was here. She could already feel herself blushing but she tried her best to hide it. Everything was fine for a while because they were only training alone and working on their nen abilities. But now Zushi had the idea to fight while picking Gon as his Partner.

Super nervous the girl turned to Killua that was watching her unimpressed. The space in the living area allowed two fights at the same time so both begann. They were only fist fighting but the white haired boy was really fast but (Y/n) could still keep up. Sadly she knew she wasn't paying enough attention because soon after Killua swept her off her feet. He didn't expect that it would be so easy to win against her but soon he noticed that she was in her thoughts too. He helped her up and wanted to say something but he was interrupted : „ I need some fresh air. I will be back in five minutes."

Leaving the room as fast as possible gave her weird looks but she didn't care. Her cheeks were burning and she definitely needed to cool down. Now she leaned on the wall and tried to steady her breathing. Her Heart was still racing and she thought she shouldn't go back inside. She didn't know how much time has passed but suddenly the door flew open and Killua was walking her way. Now she really couldn't calm down anymore. She couldn't read his face and her fist idea was to run away but he was faster.

Slamming both hands to the wall behind her making her jump but now her face was so red. „ Is there anything wrong ?", she asked almost inaudible. „ You were distracted during our fight right ?" (Y/n) nooded ashamed. The boy watched her reaction and started smirking. „ You were distracted by me, right ? No need to deny it." Her eyes widened as she waited for him to continue. Was he mad ? Or even disgusted ? „ I have to confess that you are an interesting girl and you are also pretty cute." His small blush betrayed him but he kept on talking while stroking a single strand behind her ear. „ I was thinking we can try another fight and who ever loses has to buy the winner Ice cream. Deal ?"

The girl needed a minute to procress what just happened. Did he invite her indirectly to a date ? Well whatever this was she now really wanted to win. „ Deal" She was shaking his hand more confident than ever and used her chance to kiss his cheek. „ But I really hope you don't get distracted this time." She wasn't blushing as much as the boy who was burning. „ Hey, thats unfair", he said while chasing the laughing girl back in the house. Meanwhile Gon and Zushi were spying on them and almost got caught as the two ran past them. They were just glad the two got closer. „ That took them long enough."

Killua Zoldyck x Reader ( One Shot) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora