Shoji got into the building and he was at the bottom floor while they were at the very top- it wouldn't be very ideal to run up all the stairs.

He tugged the almost invisible string before he was yanked upwards and using his hand broke the roof- and continued to go from there.


Over with Asia.

It was the first time Asia used her quirk for heavy lifting such as this- she'd carried boxes that were about 90 pounds before- but a human being whose body mass is increased for their quirk? Oh no hunny.

She literally felt like she was caring this man on the tips of her fingers and trying her best not to break her fingers as well as balancing him- and that's close to impossible!- even so she had to push through- until a bright light hit her face.


Shoji felt the string unravel from his abdomen- he quickly jumped to the not broken floor confused because he still has about 3 floors to go to.

He looked out he spare window confused and he saw Asia covering her eyes as a beam started to retract up the floors.

Ah- Aoyama.

He quietly thanked her before continuing on his way upwards on his own.


"God fucking damn- damn I forgot about that quirk!!!" Asia said as she rubbed her eyes

*ring* *ring* "Ricky what is it? I'm in the middle of cla-"


With All might and rest of A-1

They were watching the big screen and couldn't help but be a little impressed- Shoji's and Asia's quirks seem to work well together and Ayoama using his navel laser as a distraction in order for their teamwork to be destroyed- even for a mere second. It seems like an evenly paired match.

They looked back at Asia wondering what she'll do with this new-found obstacle- but found her on her phone.

All might sighed 'kids these days, always on their phones'

All might talked into the microphone "Asia, please get off your phone- we are in the middle the way of a class, and you're in the middle of a battle."

It seemed to snap her out of her odd trance.


He was taken a back by the outburst- her head darted trying to find where his voice came from.

"....I can't let you leave until your done.." he said

What in the world has gotten into her?

"I JUST HAVE TO TOUCH THE BOMB AND I CAN GO RIGHT???!' She was panicking now, maybe he should have just let her go....


And that's all he had to say before Asia basically flew up to the first floor using her strings.

Their mouths dropped because they never thought she would do this- and quickly too...


Asia was in the room with the villains after she crashed into the window- she had multiple cuts all over because of the broken pieces- but that didn't matter- she had to get home.

"No hard feelings" she said as she wrapped the closest one which was Ayoama.

Tokoyama burst into the room because of the noise and before he could be bonded he sent dark- shadow her way.

She simply let the string through the mass of shadow and let him fight himself  while she tide up Tokoyama and eventually dark-shadow and touch the bomb signaling that the villain team won.

It took only 3 minutes and 48 seconds.

Shoji burst into the door confused on how they won-

Asia simply sent a fear-stricken face before bolting out of the building-before all might could announce the winner- he too shocked.

Shoji ran after Asia- confused where she was going as she ran out of the class room- through The hallway out of the school.

"W-where are you going!?" He called out

"I-i have to go home- s-something bad has happened!" She called back- Shoji just continued to follow.



I have to get home- what if I don't make it in time? What if they're hurt? What if they're taken? Oh god Rick where the hell are you??!?

I could see the gates of my home- a home that although I haven't had for that long, simply adored, it was a dream house for someone like me- image how my kids will be like when they're older- running around the house laughing, having friends over- celebrating their birthdays, staying home when they're sick, having their first lover over, visiting and celebrating holidays.....

Tears started to leak I pulled out my phone.


"Nezu come now." I hung up.

The gate opened automatically the moment I was in sensory reach Shoji not far behind me- honestly don't understand why's he's here, but I greatly appreciate it.

As I got closer my feet slowed as a saw the devastation in front of me.

That dream house? Completely destroyed.

All the guards were on the ground unconscious- some badly injured, and I believe a few....dead.

The ground was lit up in Ricky's blue flames, with craters of different sizes.

But that didn't matter- what matters is what happen to them.

I rushed to one of the conscious guards shoji in complete shock over the scenery.

"Sir-sir are they okay???! Are they in a safe place?!"

He stared at me with a look that made me realize.

".....they were too strong."

And than I felt like everything around me just..... stopped.

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