"We should strategize before our turn so we'll be more prepared for the match" he said politely

I nodded "should we talk about our quirks so we can have a better understanding of each other?" I asked

He nodded before a mouth.... popped into his hand.


My eyes were sparkling- and they got brighter when the hand-mouth started talking.

"I have the ability to replicate things such as mouths, nose, ears, etc onto my arms, as you can see- they also enhance my strength and senses, I'm also a mutant-type. My quirk also part of my body- so I can get hurt like usual- and if my arms get cut, I can regrow them once healed."

"THATS AMAZING!!" He looked taken aback by what I said- almost as though he thought it was an 'alright' quirk.

I quickly calmed down. "Ha-ha, sorry 'bout that- it's just a really cool quirk"

He had a slight blush before his hand-mouth talked again 'it is no problem- but what about you?- your quirk I mean."

"Oh!-my quirk is string based- i can produce strings from my finger-tips as well as my toe-tips- but I mainly use my hands, and I'm not sure if I can produce them anywhere else.... my quirk can also copy other quirks- but if I do it more than 3 times I get really dizzy- and if I do it more than 5 i start to cough and throw up blood and more than 8 I pass out- it varies depending on the strength of my opponents- for example if I were to
Try and copy Mr.Mights quirk, i'll pass out immediately."

He nodded at it "your quirk is amazing as well."

I blushed slightly at the compliment.

"How about we...."


The duo were after todoroki and Tsuyu versus Mashirao and Toru.

So they were the third up.

The fight between the pairs were amazing to say the least- the way todoroki and Mashirao fought? Outstanding!- the way Mashirao forced Todoroki to use his head- because his ice is not only not that good for this type of fight/scenery but it was also hindering his partner-Tsuyu who couldn't handle the cold very well.

And how Tsuyu was having difficulty because of Toru invisibility- but pulled through by using her jumping ability to dodge any of the shine before locating her and wrapping her up in her tongue.

As you can tell Todoroki and Tsuyu won.

Now it's our turn.


It was Shoji and Asia vs Tokoyami and Aoyama turns.

The 4 walked in to get into there position Tokoyami and Aoyama in front of the 'bomb' and Asia and Shoji outside the building. The timer was on the clock and.....

"GO!" All might shouted.

Shoji blasted out and Tokoyami's dark-shadow darted out to be on guard outside the room while Ayoama was in front of the bomb guarding it.

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