Chapter 11: The Return

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  Maude heads over towards to small door in the back of the lobby, gesturing sternly for Galatea to follow suit. They exit the building. Ian sighs and looks at Aurelio.

  "It wasn't just a walk, was it My Lord?" Ian says with a prodding voice. It had an almost fatherly authority hidden within its stolid tone. "You did some brash and reckless, didn't you?"
  "It was just a walk, or at least, that's how it started." Aurelio says sheepishly. "But can we talk about it elsewhere? Everyone'll be within earshot here in the door frame..."
  "I suppose so." Ian sighs. "But don't think I'm letting you off the hook."

  The two step into the meeting room and head towards an large wooden table in the center. Casey sat at the table's head while Callista sat at the end. There were two empty seats next to her, and so Aurelio took his pick and sat down as Ian returned calmly to his seat near Anselm.

  "Where have you been?" She asks with a whisper.
  "It's kind of a long story Callista." Aurelio replies. "But look at you outta bed! Are you feeling any better?"
  "I'm fine, for now anyway." She sighs. "I'm more worried about what's down the road..."
  "How wonderful for you to show up Aurelio." Casey says with a teasing sarcasm. "We were just discussing what to do next, and we'd love your opinion."
  "Very well." Aurelio says. "What are we talking about."
  "Maude and I have differing opinions about the mission at hand." Ian chimes in. "I believe that it'd be best to return to Arqferi for a little while in order to help Callista. After all, the only one here who knows anything about Manaketes is Anselm, and I'm afraid he hasn't been able to provide us much."
  "I'm sorry, but my blood has been too far diluted. I cannot transform into a draconic form myself and none of my living relatives can either." Anselm sighs. "I wish I could help, but I know nothing on the matter."
  "I believe King Arturo and Queen Adalia might be able to shed some light on our situation. There's no way they don't know something about Callista's true birth. At the very least, it'd be nice to rest up with our families for a few moments before heading out into the snowy barrens of Vibestia."
  "I'd hate to head all the way back to Arqferi when we've already made it this far," Aurelio sighs. "Not to mention I'm still at loggerheads with Father, but I suppose it would be nice to take a brief respite back home."
  "We don't have to go back home if you all don't want to." Callista interjects. "I'm fine now, really; I believe I've fully recovered, it'll just take a little bit before I get used to fighting again."
  "Nonsense Milady." Ian says. "What if you were to lose control of your form? It seems we got lucky that one time around, but there's no promise that it'll be that way all the time. We should at the very least at the king and queen for guidance before we reach our final destination."
  "He makes a good point Callista." Aurelio nods. "Besides, we're running low on clothing and rations, not to mention our armor could use some grease and repair. What does Maude think we should do?"
  "She wants us to head straight to Vibestia." Ian sighs. "It would a long trek, and we'd be entering a frozen desolation, but she believes we would be safe upon finding the queen. We were assigned to be their escorts, so I believe it's only fair that we take them to Vibestia, but if you ask me personally, I believe it to be a brazen idea. It's like you said Aurelio, our supplies are running low, and I'd hate for us to charge into this headlong without the proper equipment. Besides, there's always the chance the queen they fight for is no longer present... Not to mention the appearance of that strange woman from the other day spells trouble for us. We're not just fighting a few troubled usurpers, we're up against an army of powerful heathens who revel in Mortabe's dark influence. Going now would be having us sign our own death contracts..."

  Aurelio sighs and looks around. The table was plastered with various maps, each one covered with numerous pins and markings. Many of the maps were familiar with to him, they were maps of his home kingdom and all the land in its vicinity; yet there were several unfamiliar maps as well, maps decorated with the names of roads and towns he'd never even heard of before. Aurelio looks up at Casey.

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