Chapter 4

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I decided that since I wanted to see something beautiful, and that it was my first full day in Korea, that I should take Yoons suggestion and head to the mountain.

I dressed in comfortable attire, and laced up my running shoes.

While I knew from my research that there was a cable car to take you to the top, I knew it would be more rewarding to hike up. I headed out, making sure to triple check that I had my phone on me. I vowed to not lose it this time. 

The travel wasn't too bad, and before long I was standing at the base of the mountain.

As much as I didn't want to ruin the moment of taking everything in, I couldn't help but think about Yoon, and if he had been here. I imagine he had, and that was maybe what he was going to say before being cut off. I tried to picture a faceless person, climbing up this mountain too. Or, was he the type to just take the cable car?

Eventually I shook my head, starting the long climb. The weather was beautiful making the view enjoyable on the way up, and I could only imagine how beautiful it would be at the top.

By the time I finished my hike, I was exhausted. I paused to sit and take a breather, gulping water from my bottle. I stood again when finished, heading to the edges to look out.

The view was breathtaking. I stayed for a while, looking out and admiring it. I was happy that I did choose to come here today.

I pulled out my phone, taking a few pictures.

My finger hovered over Yoons contact name in my phone. Was he busy? He hadn't messaged since the phone call this morning. Whoever he was with said something about rehearsing.

I opened the messages anyway and sent the photos to Yoon.

I left the lookout spot, heading towards the cable cars. I decided that I would take one down to get the experience, and ability to see the view in a different way.

I waited my turn, then climbed onto one. The view on the way down was just as breathtaking. I was disappointed in getting back to the ground. Maybe I would have to come visit again before I left Korea.

Too soon the ride came to an end, and I got off at the bottom. I wasn't sure if I wanted to head anywhere else, or if I wanted to head back to the hotel. I was exhausted.

Just as I was trying to figure it out, my phone rang.

I answered, greeted by that low voice again. He was breathless, as if just finishing a workout.

"Hi, Ayla."


"You went to Mount Namsan." He sounded surprised.

"Of course. You said it would be beautiful."

"You trust in me that much?" I could hear a teasing tone in his voice.

"Should I not?" My voice equally as teasing.

"Maybe not." He chuckled, "I'm just surprised. I haven't told you much about myself."

"So tell me something." I found a bench, sitting down and watching the cable car trek back up.

"I love music."

"I do too. Do you play any instruments? Sing?"

"I love playing piano. And I rap."

"A man of many talents," I joked, "I love the piano as well."


"Really. I don't play it much anymore but I used to play it daily."

"I'd love to hear you play sometime."

"Oh, I'd be rusty."

"I could help you."

"Oh, is that a date then?" I joked, only realizing too late what I had said. "Oh gosh I'm sorry I-"

"It's okay," Yoon paused before adding in a teasing tone, "something like that." I could hear the smirk through the phone.

"Something like that?"

"How about this. If you get to know me, and decide you want to meet me at the concert, and you agree, I'll take you out to a late dinner after?"

"Okay, deal."

I heard some yelling in the background, to which Yoon sighed. "I'm sorry, again. I'll talk to you later!"

After hanging up, I stared at my phone for a moment. A date. With this boy I had never meet, but who knew who I was. Just what had I gotten myself into?


It wasn't long until a few days had passed. Having fun in Korea was making time fly by. I couldn't complain, each day brought me closer to the BTS concert, and to meeting Yoon.

Every day I had been talking to him. Every morning he would call, and most nights as well. He was always busy, but spared a few moments when he could. We always texted throughout the day.

It was through this I learned more about him. That he used to play basketball often, his love for producing music, that he lived with his friends, and that there was nothing more he loved than sleep.

In return, I told him about how I worked with kids back home, that I was an only child, and that I loved music more than life itself.

Each morning, I woke up anticipating my phone to ring, with Yoons name flashing across my screen. More often than not, it was early in the morning and his husky voice was filled with sleep.

Yoon seemed to spend many hours a day at this job that he worked at, though he still refused to tell me much about it. I knew it wasn't a normal job— he often times would text throughout the day and it seemed to be somewhat flexible.

Today, the conversation turned back to music.

"Will I ever get to hear you rap?" I asked, curious.


I waited.

"Not today though."

"You're a tease."

He laughed, changing the subject. "What made you want to learn Korean?"

"I wanted to understand the music I was listening to. That and I was itching to learn something new."

"Not many fans say that. Usually it's 'when is bts releasing English music?'"

"Yeah. While that would be really cool to see, it's not fair to expect it."

"Interesting." He murmured.

"What about you? Do you know English? Or other languages?"

"I speak a little English," he said in heavily accented English. "I understand more."

"We can help each other learn." I said, continuing in English.

"I would love that." He said before sighing.

"Let me guess, your mystery job awaits."

"Yes." He paused, returning to korean. "Maybe I will tell you more about it later. I have to go, I'll text you!"

I sighed, putting the phone down after hanging up. Yoon was always busy, and while I was sure for good reasons, it was disappointing that we could never speak for very long. I was starting to really enjoy talking to him.

As much as I didn't want to admit it, and as little we talked, I did feel a genuine connection. As we stood right now, I was very open to meeting him at the show. I just hoped that he really was a genuine person.

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