Chapter 9

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Dinner had finished and Jasmine and I were getting ready for bed. I slipped under the covers. I just played a few games and then went to Twitter. Another tweet from Luke.
"Just met the most amazing girl a couple of days ago. You know who you are! I think I'm in love with @MichelleMatthews21 ; )"
OH MY GOD! Luke had basically told the whole world about me and we aren't even dating. I suddenly got butterflies in my stomach because just the reminder that he loves me makes me melt. The comments were blowing up.
"Who does this random girl think she is to steal Luke? #Whore"
"So happy for Lukey! He's finally in love! #Lichelle"
"Who is this girl?"
"Ooooh! More romance! #Lichelle or #Muke?"
Some were so heartwarming but some were some horrible hate comments. Minutes later #Lichelle and #Muke were trending! I'm glad #Whore isn't. I just smiled at the positive comments. I had to reply.
"Don't get your hopes up bub, we're not even dating😋"
More replies!
"You better keep Luke happy and not break his heart!"
"I love the idea of #Lichelle!"
"No, they shouldn't date. Have you even checked out the whore's profile?"
"Ew! I hate #Muke! More like mucus! I definitely don't ship them. #Slut"
Then Luke replied.
"See ya tomorrow boo!"
I just giggled and set my phone down. Jasmine was already sleeping. I snuggled into bed and in a matter of time I was drifting away......

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