Chapter 14

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Michie's P.O.V
Wake up. Watch TV. Eat. Go back to sleep. Wake up. Use bathroom. Watch TV. Eat. Sleep.
This is how my routine at the hospital went everyday for the next week. Occasionally my parents would visit, but that was all. My mom brought books for me to read sometimes, but I never found time to read them. In my spare time, while I was supposed to be reading, I would always check Twitter, catch up with Jasmine and Face time friends in Louisiana. I would text Luke sometimes, but I'd always have to be secret. Hospital life sure is boring.
Night was approaching and I was about to go to bed. My phone started ringing and it was Jasmine.
"Hey, how are you?"
"Get well soon!"
"I will."
"Anyway, I'm at the hotel helping with the last of our stuff from back home."
"I thought since my parents came back to Australia, we would put that on hold."
"Nope, my dad is still making me help him."
"Well, I hope you feel better. You should be out of the hospital by Sunday, right?"
Aaaaahhhh, the reminder of getting out of this hospital in 2 days soothes me.
"Alright, good night."
After I hung up, my eyelids couldn't take it anymore and I fell asleep. My phone suddenly vibrated and I jolted up. A text from Luke.
"Goodnight boo. I miss you. See ya in 2 days❤️"
He's so sweet.
"Love and miss you too. Goodnight!"
I smiled as I sent my reply. I really didn't think I could fall this hard for someone. Let alone, Luke Hemmings.
Hey guys! Since I have no school I had time for a double update this week. 206 reads, WOW! You guys are the best. How many chapters do you think this book should have? I feel like it's just dragging on and on. When it ends I don't think there'll be a sequel, just an epilogue. Sorry for the short chapter.😁Follow, vote and comment! Bye!
Love you❤️
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