Learning To Speak

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"Okay lets start simple, say 'cup'." I pointed to a cup. Jason just stared at me. "C-c-cup." I said slowly. "Chh Chh Ahh Ahh." Jason said. "Oh my god I'm aggravated already." I said as I placed my face in my hands. We heard loud music as I was getting him to speak. "N-no Jason!" I said as he stood up. He made his way through the thick woods, with me trailing behind. Suddenly, a giant net was thrown over me. I stepped in a trap and was pulled up into a tree. A guy with a gun ran up to me. "You're not Jason Voorhees." He grunted. I thought of ways to save Jason. "I know him really well, if you let me down I'll show you." I said crazily. "Hmm no, I'll just mark you as government property too." He said as he wrote down notes. "What's the meaning of this?" I asked as I stuck my head through a hole. "Too many people go missing, the government wants Mr. Voorhees as an experiment. We read loud noise draws him in." He laughed. He cut the trap down and handcuffed me as I kicked an fought. "I'm a human! You can't arrest me!" I screamed. "Oh honey, we're not arresting you, we're experimenting." He threw me into his van and locked the door. I saw Jason peering through the trees as he was quickly taken to the ground by an ambush. "JASON!" I screamed and kicked as I was driven away from him.

  I woke up tied down to a big table with a bright light in my face. The older man who caught me was there. "Where am I?" I said weakly. "We're still at the camp, just hidden." He laughed. "Where's Jason?" I cried. "He's in a higher security. Don't worry, we'll take care of you both." He laughed. "So tell me, have you been sexually active with Mr. Voorhees?" I held my breath. We've actually had sex a couple of times in these past few weeks. I couldn't tell you guys, I mean look at me. How can I tell y'all I fucked a murderous psychopath? "N-no." I said quietly. He spread my legs open. He was operating inside of me. "Hmm, we have a piece of DNA here." He has a piece of hair with tweezers. He put it into a jar. "I'll be back." He grabbed it and walked out.
  After staring at the ceiling for a while, he walked back in. "I knew it." He looked at me. "You've been sleeping with a serial killer?" He started laughing. He pulled my shirt off of me and put a scanner over my stomach. "Exactly what I thought, you're in the early stages of pregnancy." He cocked his eyebrow. My vision got blurry. "This can't be... h-he's dead isn't he? Cold to the touch. Sperm can't survive without warmth!" I cried."I'm afraid we've tested him. He's cold, but fertile." The man laughed. "I'm Jackson, I will be your caretaker until birth. We will take the child and then kill you both, unless it's breast fed, that is." He said. "Why am I here? How did you know I was pregnant?" I choked. "We have our ways. Now get comfy, you'll be here a while." He spun around and went outside of the door, locking me inside. I spoke in my head.
  Mrs. Voorhees, please hear me. Please. I need you, I need your son, please.
I waited and waited, until she answered me.
  He is unconscious, his thoughts are a blur. When he wakes up, he will be angry. He WILL  find you.
A tear fell down my cheek as I braced myself to wait on my knight in shining hockey masks to come rescue me.

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